Hi there, just wondered if I could ask a few questions as I've been recently diagnosed and have a copy of my blood tests. My blood results were:
Serum t3 level - 3.4 (range 4.0 - 7.0)
Serum free t4 level - 11 (range 10 - 25)
Serum TSH level - 15.13 (range 0.55-4.78) this has come down from 23
Thyroid peroxidase antibody level - 582
IgA - 3.3 (range 0.8-2.8)
From these results does it seem like I have Hashimoto's from the antibody level or is that for something else? And what does the IgA stand for or mean? Sorry for the silly questions, the doctor didn't really explain any of this to me at the appt.
I've just been tested again to see if they need to increase the levothryoxine I'm taking as they started me off on the minimum dose.
I also had high LFC's (the alk phos and the GGT) and wondered if that could be to do with my thyroid?
Thank you for advance and sorry for the long winded post!