Hi All,
Jst got my recent results back. Bloods were drawn at 12 noon around 27 hours after taking last dose of levo (150mcg).
Tsh 0.77 range (mIU-L 0.27 - 4.2)
FRee Tyroxine 24.4 range (pmo1/L. 12.0 - 22.0)
Free T3. 5.0 Range (pmo1/L 3.1 -6.8)
25 oh vitD 154. NmoL. 50-200
Active b12. 118 pmo1/L. 25.1-165
Ferritin 102 13-150
Under Haematology INR was flagged as a tiny bit low 0.89. Range 0.9-1.2
Doc was sggesting i cut my levo because of free thyroxine but this is the best my T3 has ever been!