Hi all, my desperately awaited private second Endo appointment is tomorrow evening whereby I should get all the results back from the tests he had done. He spotted straight away I wasn't converting ; and even less now with the mega high cortisol levels I have which are still causing me extreme anxiety/panic. He also thinks I might have Reynauds
He told me to stop paying for private BH thyroid tests every month but I wanted another one done for my appointment tomorrow as a lot can happen with my readings in a month, and I was right to have done the test. Apart from my T3 slipping again to 2.74 from 2.88 last month (3.1-6.8), I have discovered that my Ferritin and B12 levels have also dropped.
Last month Ferritin was 87.3 (20-150) but it has now dropped to 58.3. My B12 last month 828 which was over range (but most of us sufferers know that was a reasonable level), test came out at 395 which is a big drop so I am back on supplementing both.
I will be pushing for him to start me on some T3 tomorrow night. He did mention how it works on my first appointment. He said that my meds will be about 80% T4 and 20% T3 which he will split into two doses throughout the day. Is that correct? He did worry me though in that he was concerned about the T3 making my anxiety/panic worse????????? That bit I don't understand??????
Much prefer to be forearmed with advice from you guys as T3 is new ground for me. What do I need to discuss with him as regards T3?????
I am also pretty sure that, apart from when I went hyper a few months ago, the severe anxiety/panic I am still getting is mainly to my very high cortisol levels. I can read my body now and usually early evening onwards I can tell that my levels have dropped because the anxiety sometimes just disappears (like switching off a light). It's very weird. Ordinary anxiety just doesn't do that!
My very worst time is first thing in the morning where my level is 82.43 (7.45-32.56). Have been taking Holy Basil and beta blockers to help and also ordered some Phosphatidylserine. All my 4 readings were high but on my recent saliva test my night time reading is normal. The two daytime ones are still high in the 20's which I can handle as regards symptoms, but it's the morning one that is debilitating. Endo had me do a 24hr catchment wee wee test which, after 4 weeks, am still awaiting the results.
My high cortisol levels need further investigation and that is an absolute priority for me now because to be very honest with you all, after being so poorly for 6 months with the debilitating severe anxiety/panic nearly 24hrs a day, I don't have the strength or the will to go on much longer and have been reading up on other methods to end my suffering (let's just say it's legal in certain countries!). That statement may sound dramatic and attention seeking but the fact is no-one can say to me that I haven't tried to get well - diet, supplements, meditation, research. I am a person who just needs answers to I can try and put things right. You guys have helped me a lot in understanding and supporting, certain members have been very kind with their regular support but there is only so much a body and mind can take. I know things take time but the last 6 months living in this body has been like nothing I have ever experienced before. I am not living, I am just existing with no quality of life