I had the saliva adrenal test done last year with the Red Apple Clinic, the result of which I needed adrenal support. but to date I haven't taken anything for it despite taking T3. I only took t3 for a very short period of time because I became intolerant to it, even though i ended up taking only2.5. mcg per day. I had increased bouts of anxiety, stress etc.
Basically my cortisol levels were 06.00 08.00 (am) 14-normal 13-24nM. 11.00 13.00pm 10-normal 5-10nM. 14.00 17.00pm 7 normal 3-8nM. 22.00 23.59pm 4-normal. Despite my being in the normal ranges my results are either right at the high end or low end of normal. Hence my cortisol is very low in the morning and very high at midnight. whereas it should be the other way around. What do I need to take for this problem? I spoke with my GP who did a blood test recently and I came back normal so hence no help there. He did not recommend cortisol because he did not want to give me any steroids any way. But I know that cortisol is a natural occurring substance in the body