Thinking of switching NDT to T3 - conversion he... - Thyroid UK

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Thinking of switching NDT to T3 - conversion help, please :)

18 Replies

I have been taking 2.5 grains of Nature-Throid the last 9 weeks+, I am aware that with high cortisol and low iron I could still remain hypo or be jittery, so I am willing to give pure T3 a try.

My cortisol seems in range when checked (bloods), but I am sending my saliva profile back to UK today to see if my levels dropped (I had high cortisol October/November, throughout the whole day). I am on Galfer for almost 2 weeks now and plenty of beef, so hopefully my iron levels are improving despite my low stomach acid :)

I have one pack of Thybon, just wondering how I discontinue NDT and what should be my starting dosage...GP checked my bloods this week again and my TSH is <0.01 and FT4 15.8 (range 9-21), FT3 unknown as they don't test it there (will have it checked in a weeks time with a private lab).

Thank you so much! :)


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18 Replies
Clutter profile image


It is best to check FT3 before you switch to T3 only. Why are you wanting to switch from NDT to T3 only?

in reply to Clutter

Hey Clutter, I am not sure if Nature Throid could be making me sick. My endo thinks of different options like going back to T4 only or trying Armour. I have been getting debilitating symptoms for 6 months now and 2 of these I was out of a bit desperate.

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Check your FT3 before making any changes. Most people taking NDT need FT3 in the upper third of range to feel well. If FT3 is good then it would be worth trying Armour or Acella NP before switching to T3 only.

in reply to Clutter

Ft3 is good for a while now (since end of September). My issue is lingering symptoms. Could it be that it takes such a long time to get back on track?

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What do you call good FT3?

in reply to Clutter

Always around 6-6.5 (top range or slightly over).

The issue is that I was never tested for ft3 when on NDT, it was always t3 test only, which was top range slightly going over. When things got worse, I checked it in September in Poland as in Ireland is next to impossible.

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If your T3 was 6-6.5 and that was top of range that is FT3. And if before you were taking NDT you were taking Levothyroxine and your T3 was 6-6.5 it is probably considerably over range. I would most definitely order a private T3 test before making any changes.

Contact Blue Horizon or MediChecks and ask whether their home test kits are available in Ireland

in reply to Clutter

I suspected that if I was top range t3 test results, then my ft3 must have been through the roof - is that what you're thinking too (my ft4 at the time was top range, almost going over)? I prefer not to come off Nature-Throid to be honest, but I am just looking at indication as to when I could feel well after all this chopping-changing by my "brilliant doctors".

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funny enough as well, when I was on Eltroxin in Poland, I was around 4-5 on ft3, and they test ft3 as standard...just not Ireland and UK!

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Guesswork is not going to help you. Get the private FT3 test. If your FT3 is high (over range) that may be why you are not feeling well.

in reply to Clutter

I will for sure. But a few weeks ago my ft3 was top range and I was not feeling well and that ft3 was top range since September so at loss what to do? And how long to wait as it has been almost 4 months with good ft3...

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You need to check whether FT3 changed when you switched from Eltroxin to NDT. If it dropped then that may be why you don't feel well. If it rose so it was over range that may be what is making you unwell. Until you know what your FT3 is on your current medication and dose there's no point in speculating.

Rapunzel profile image

This will help with conversion

I copied the table and then pasted and enlarged it; you may not need to do the same but I'm overdue at the opticians! 👓

in reply to Rapunzel

thanks Rapunzel, that's brilliant! Do you know if I should introduce slowly or just go straight for 90 mg of T3? Do people split dosage?

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2.5 grains NDT is equivalent to 62.5mcg T3 not 90mg. There is 22.5mcg T3 in 2.5 grains NDT so it may be rather a shock to switch to 62.5mcg T3. If you decide to you should certainly divide dose into 2 or 3 doses until you know how you tolerate it.

in reply to Clutter

Thanks Clutter, brain fog :) it makes sense!

Rapunzel profile image

Limited time. Now I've had a look at your post in a bit more detail I fret you've not given NDT a fair crack of the whip. This is a slow responding/resolving condition. If you have a look to the right of the page (on a pc) or at the bottom (on a mobile) there are a host of related posts to help. or search NDT to T3.

in reply to Rapunzel

Thanks so much, will look into it.

I have been on NDT for many years, then was stopped for a month by a GP and then in August started again. Not sure how long this could take and my endo would prefer me on anti-depressants :(

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