Only a couple of bloods were back when I went to the docs the other day. Still waiting for my Selenium and Zinc results. My magnesium level was 0.87 (0.70 - 1.00). Could I do with a little extra; it seems high enough in the range?
In October's bloods my vit D was 54 >50 but last week's results came out as 36 >50. Doc says I am a little low in VitD so says he wants me on Fultrium D3 800IU (2mcg) (one twice a day) for a good while. Had a look at the ingredients (as I have gone GF) and there is maize oil in them. Shall I abort taking these because of going GF and find something else?
My Ferritin from early Jan was 59 (15-350 which seems to me to be a little low and could do with bumping up a bit but I don't want to take anything high strength. What can I supplement for this please?