Any supplies of T3 available without prescription in UK please ???
Went to USA a few years ago and was prescribed it but GP here refused me.
Any supplies of T3 available without prescription in UK please ???
Went to USA a few years ago and was prescribed it but GP here refused me.
Liothyronine is a prescription-only medicine within the UK. Anyone supplying you without a prescription would be breaking the law.
You have to find sources outwith the UK.
There is a natural dessicated thyroid hormone available in the USA. It was invented by a now deceased doctor who wouldn't even prescribe levothyroxine as he believed it was an inferior product but he believed in NDT and/or T3 for thyroid hormone resistant patients. It's called Thyro Gold and is now dealt with by his wife. It contains all of the hormones our thyroid gland would have produced but there's a slight difference in that it is not prescription. It's derived from New Zealand cows.
This sounds interesting. Has any one here tried it?