Hi All
I am new here. I was diagnosed with Graves Disease in June, my main symptoms were shaking, palpitations, weakness, not being able to sleep etc. My Dr put me on Carbimazole 5mg three times a day and beta blockers. My thyroid levels were very high but are now down to normal. They have reduced my beta blockers and when my next blood results come through, in a weeks time, they are planning to reduce my carbimazole down to 5mg twice daily and then for me to have regular blood tests with a view to getting me off the carbimazole in 12 months. The Dr said that at that point they would look at surgery or RAI.
I am glad that the medicine is doing its job but am having some real problems which I hope some of you great people may be able to give me some advice on.
Before I was diagnosed I had a lot of muscle weakness but in the past 2 months I have noticed that I have a lot of pain in my joints, especially my hips and shoulders. Its getting so bad that its disturbing my sleep. I havent wanted to take pain killers as I thought it would pass but its getting worse. My daughter knocked my arm the other day for example and the pain in my shoulder was agony. I cant lie on my side in bed or I wake in pain. Can anyone recommend anything please?
Before being diagnosed I had been on the Fast Diet for about 9 months and was delighted as I had lost a stone. I was told to stop the diet when I was diagnosed and now all the weight is back on and I feel terrible. To make this work I am finding exercise hard because of the pain in my joints. The Dr has said that I can go back on the diet now but from what I have read on the internet it seems like the medication may be causing the problem and that even if I do go back on the diet it wont make a bit of difference. Any advice, suggestions of diets etc would be very much appreciated.
I feel so low in myself and really feel that I need something to pick me up a bit. Some days it feels a struggle to get through the days. Also from what I have read this could be a symptom of the condition. Can anyone please recommend anything.
I am happy to give anything, herbal or otherwise, a try to help with these issues. Please can someone help?
Many thanks