A few years back, I read a lot about patients finding that "Armour did nothing for them", that "it was like taking nothing", and that it was "pretty much useless".
However, many people here seem quite happy with it.
I have been reading the information on STTM sporadically, and I understand Forest (or whatever the manufacturer is called nowadays) denies a second reformulation.
So, is my impression correct; that is, that many here are now happy with Armour?
If so, do you chew it up, swallow it, take it sublingually, crush it and mix with food...?
If you feel it is now working just fine, did you do less well on it just after the reformulation, or have you never noticed any difference?
Even if the STTM has contributed to spreading a lot of useful information, I sometimes feel that it's too "black or white", if you see what I mean...there have also been recent rumours about a reformulation of Thyroid by Erfa, denied by the manufacturer...
Sorry if this has been discussed before, but I would really appreciate some input from members on Armour!