Thyroid in young age: I m 24 year old boy. I... - Thyroid UK

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Thyroid in young age

13 Replies

I m 24 year old boy.

I recently got my thyroid profile test.

And my t3 and t4 levels are normal but TSH value is 6.5 which is on higher side.

Does it mean that i have any thyroid problem?

My parents have thyroid too.

Do i need to repeat the same tests again to confirm it and when should i do so?

Or is there any other test to confirm it?

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13 Replies

Your tsh is indeed high. I dont understand why you are not on medication. Even in uk, where nhs ignorance is the order of the day, I would think an nhs ignoramus gp would still be willing to prescribe, as all they care about are tsh levels

Hi 105, yup the Tsh is a little on high side and with parents with thyroid issues it really should be at least monitored regularly I would think. I had Tsh not as high as yours but near top of their 'normal' range with normal t4 and T3 -but with symptoms -and was started on thyroxine so my advice,for what it's worth,would be to get it rechecked in 2/3 months time and see what's going on then.if in meantime you feel unwell with thyroid symptoms personally I would then go back sooner and request the test.Hope that helps a little.

in reply to

Thanks for your reply.

Actually i dnt know exactly about are its symptoms.

i jus get it checked because i have hairfall problem.

foreversummer profile image

Hi goyaldaman. Yes, my doctor made me wait a month before retesting TSH again just to make sure it wasn't a mistake with the blood test or a temporary blip.

You should also have your antibodies tested to see if you autoimmune thyroid disease.

How are you feeling?


in reply to foreversummer

Thanks for the reply.

what is the name of the autoimmune test you are saying about?

I feel perfectly well but i have now realised that i have symptoms of thyroid like hairfall, fluffy neck,constipation,easy fatigue .

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to

You will need to add the Anti-TPO test to your list - to test for the anti-bodies. If raised then you have Hashimotos. Also have Ferritin - Folate - VitD - Iron - B12 tested. Obtain copies of ALL results and then you can post here for people to advise - do not forget the ranges too.

in reply to Marz

Hello sir

thanks for your reply.

my report :-

t3 :- 0.82 ( normal range is 0.69 to 2.15)

t4 :- 74.13 ( normal range is 52 to 127)

tsh :- 6.53 ( normal range is 0.3 to 4.5)

Serum ferritin :- 45.50 ( normal is 25 to 350)

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to

Ferritin needs to be much higher....and the TSH is too high. Don't forget to have the others tested....

Oh dear do I look like a man ? I am the one with glasses and the one in the blue shirt is my husband :-)

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Marz

Of course you Don't look like a man! You look gorgeous!

goyaldaman106, actually, there are two antibody tests that need to be done : anti-TPO and anti-Tg. Some people have one high, some have the other high, and some have both high. But if either of them are high, it means you have the autoimmune disease Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. A lot of us have.

That T4 result isn't a Free, is it? It looks like a Total test, which isn't very helpful. But it is low, so that means that the Free will be low, as well. It isn't good enough for them just to be 'in range', as yours are - not 'normal', there's no such thing as 'normal' when you're talking about thyroid, because everyone is different. But your results are obvisouly too low for you, because you have symptoms. And your FT3 is much too low for anyone to be well on.

You could get it tested again, because TSH can vary if you have had an infection, for example. But I Don't think it will decrease because of your low Free T3. What did your doctor say about these results?

in reply to greygoose

Thanks a lot grey goose.

I dnt think the results are free t3 and free t4.

Reports mention only T3 and t4.

Which test should i go for now anti tpo or anti tg?

For low ferritin levels i have started rb tone capsules.

Please tell me are hypothyroidism and hashmito thyroidis are same?

And is this disease normal in young age ?

What is the best treatment for it?

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to

Both antibody tests.

It's best for your stomach to take vit C with your iron tablets.

Hashimoto's is an autoimmune disease in which the antibodies attack the thyroid gland and cause you to become hypo. But hypo can be caused by other things.

There is no age limit to thyroid disease. It can happen at any time. I've been hypo since I was a Young child, but I Don't know if it was Hashi's then or if something caused it to develope into Hashi's.

Best to wait to see if you have it before you talk about treatment. But you are hypo, so you need to start on some form of thyroid hormone replacement. The usual one to start on is Levothyroxine. Ask your doctor, you can't do it by yourself.

in reply to Marz

Thnx a lot mam .

And no doubt u r really beautiful lady

which other tests should i get tested?

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to

...I detailed the other tests in my earlier post :-)

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