ended up in A/E last night i really did feel suffocated andd extremmely thirsty, got there at just gone 7 taken into resus hooked up to ecg, pulse ranging 70-95, crap loads of bloods done, they checked my gluose levels straight away as was concerned but came back good, needed a wee and nurse said she would get me commode.....no way i walked to the loo, 10.45 dr came bloods all good ecg good but very concerned about my thyroid and said i will feel like this until my thyroid is sorted, said i needed to see a specialist, i explained about not being able to increase means theres an underlying condition eg b12, vit d folate ferritin adrenals ect, she said 'i know'....what a wasted job she should be an endo, blood pressue all over the place
A/E again: ended up in A/E last night i really... - Thyroid UK
A/E again

I'm sorry you are having such an awful time with this
Are you supplementing with iron, B12, folate, other B vitamins, vitamin D etc?
Sometimes not being able to increase your dose could be because of a lack of selenium as this is needed for good conversion of t4 to t3. Some people feel the selenium helps with the antibody levels too.
I hope you manage to get this sorted soon.
Take care
Carolyn x
i take multi vits, b 12 vit d and k2, b complex, q 10 and iron, i keep forgetting selenium but do have some
getting saliva test next week hopefully
That's a good idea. It does sound like you either have an adrenal issue or low iron.
This must be so frustrating and exhausting for you
it feels like im slowly dying
went to dr and he is at a loss as to why im so bad and has mage an urgent referral to see an endo at our local hospital, i know they are rubbish but i have to stick local for now
allso given me duloxetine
couldnt give beta blockers as i get shortness of breath
ive only managed 1 grain today
just wondering if i have a bad bottle
cant remember when i opened them