I had a partial thyroidectomy in October 2014 and have been gradually feeling worse everyday following the surgery.
My hair is falling out and is feeling dry, nails breaking, skin dry, I am so tired all the time, feel depressed, itchy skin, weight gain and so on!
I have had several blood test which have shown my cholesterol levels rising doctors phone message was to eat more healthily and exercise more - my diet is healthy skimmed milk only, low fat yogurts, grilled foods, mainly chicken, fish, plenty fruit and veg - I asked what can I change? I excercise a minimum of 3 times a week at my gym attending Les Mills classes and still i am gaining weight and feeling tired after my surgery.
I suggested I felt I may be hypothyroid ? This was dismissed.
In exasperation I insisted on a consultation and asked to see my previous blood tests my cholesterol levels bad have been climbing and is now over 6 however my good are good which doc admitted was usually due to a good diet and excercise regime - so took back the phone comments to eat more healthily and excercise more I thought great might be getting somewhere.
So moved onto my TSH levels my bloods before my operation showed tsh of 0.9 then after 2, then 2.5 then 2.3 - I said they are rising! Surely this proves my remaining load is not functioning and I am hypothyroid ? Which explains my symptoms- doctor said no you are in the normal range!!
I insisted on another blood test which was done I have my results read over the phone and was told everything is normal so I asked for my tsh score and was told its 2.9 therefore normal! But it's gone up again was my reply - yes but it falls in the normal range!
Help - why can't the doctors see that I am hypothyroid I have had one lobe removed feel crap with loads of symptoms and my tsh and cholesterol are rising after every blood test. Why won't they put me on meds? Instead of waiting for me to get worse and reach the accepted levels of tsh they are working to? Before they will agree to meds?
Any advice I am feeling desperate.