Hi all, I am desperately looking for advice on my blood results. My gp has giving me the all clear putting it all down to "stress" but I just don't feel right. I have no energy, weight gain, aches, hair loss, insomnia and really itchy skin on my neck and chest. I suspected maybe a thyroid problem but don't understand my blood results...
Advice needed please : Hi all, I am desperately... - Thyroid UK
Advice needed please

Hi there, you sound like you're having an awful time with everything and I can understand why. Your GP will only help with General Practicing things but you need what seems to be a 'Specialist'! I am looking into getting a 'referral' by my GP to see if he can send me to an INFECTIOUS DISEASE SPECIALIST and internal medicine specialist.
These are areas that the specialists can answer some if your most mind boggling questions, I'm yet to follow this up but I wish you all the best! I will keep you posted in anything else I can help with. Cheers. Take care
Thanks for your reply Hast,think you're right about a specialist! GP must roll her eyes when she sees me coming!!!hope everything works out ok for you and you don't have to wait too long to get things sorted out. x
Thanks, I know what you mean about eyes rolling I think they think the same as bout me too. Ha! I wish you as ll the best its been a long road to yonder window break fircne I can tell you all the best
Your vitamin D is marked as low. What is the doctor doing about it?
Go back point this out, and ask why you haven't been put on a loading dose of vitamin D as per the local guidelines?
Thanks blubug, I did go back about feeling so tired and she said vit d was a little low and gave me 800iu vit d. Hope I feel better on this. Thanks for your reply x
Just seen this - 800IU per day isn't a loading dose.
The GP can prescribe more unless you are blood pressure tablets that are calcium channel blockers.
Even in areas where they refuse to prescribe people 10,000IU and 20,000IU pills the GP is allowed to prescribe you enough 800IU tablets so you can take 5-8 of them at a time for months at a time.
Go back to your GP or preferably see a different one in the surgery, and tell them directly - "I would like to be prescribed a loading dose of vitamin D3 as per the local guidelines as my blood test results show I am severely deficient in vitamin D."
If the GP says you aren't severely deficient say something along the lines of "Would you prefer for me to come back to you in a months time when I am?"
If the GP tries to make out that 800IU is all that they are allowed to prescribe I would strongly suggest you change practices. No local guidelines I've looked at, even if I think they are inadequate, state that those who are severely deficient should only be on 800IU daily.

As well as very low vitamin D, your ferritin is also low. Both can give similar symptoms to low Thyroid
Ask GP for loading dose of vitamin D. While taking high dose vitamin D also recommended on here that we take magnesium and vitamin K2 (mk7)
Magnesium because it's a cofactor of vitamin D, vitamin K2 because it helps the increased calcium in blood go to bones where it should be.
Low ferritin. You could put a new post up just asking about this and how to treat. Looking for test result to be at least at 70 (currently 38)
You also need B12 and folate tested.
Your thyroid tests TSH and FT4 are both "in range" But your FT4 is low at 11. Testing FT3 would be good idea, but NHS rarely does this. It would also be a good idea to test for high thyroid antibodies. This is a test for autoimmune thyroid disease, also called Hashimoto's.
If GP is unhelpful you can get private tests
Medichecks Thyroid plus ultra vitamin or Blue Horizon Thyroid plus eleven are the most popular test. DIY finger prick test or option to pay extra for private blood draw.
You could start vitamin D and ferritin supplements and get private tests done in 6-8 weeks
All thyroid tests should be done as early as possible in morning and fasting
WAW! Thank you so much slowdragon for all the info!! Wish my GP was as helpful! If I get FT3 test done myself do you know if it has any standing with my GP? Would they have to treat me if FT3 was low? Thanks again for your reply x
It depends. Some GP's get difficult, but the labs used are often exactly same lab as NHS uses.
Assuming the test shows something (eg raised antibodies) and the GP is difficult, then they can run the same test through the NHS
Get yourself on good dose of vitamin D, plus get out in the sunshine 15mins a day, without sunscreen.
Low vitamin D can make you feel pretty rough - it's not actually a vitamin it's a hormone and a precursor for steroid hormones and essential. Low levels also linked to insomnia
Interesting article (vitamin D measurement units are different in USA - 40ng/ml USA is equal to 99nmol/L UK units )
Yeah will do. The funny thing is I'm always out with the kids and dog. Always in the garden. Don't even use sunscreen on myself unless I'm sun burned. I'll see how the vit d goes and go back to GP in 6-8 wks. If I'm still feeling rubbish I'll ask for a FT3 test and if she won't I'll get it done privately. Thanks again slowdragon. It's all such an eye opener. I was completely clueless. x
Thank you bluebug. I have been back to my GP about feeling so drained all the time and she did say my vit d was a little low and gave me 800iu vit d. Thank you for your reply x
Oh dear - 800iu vit D is just a maintenance dose.
Your level is below range. Look up your local CCG guidelines for loading dose vitamin D.
For example my CCG says level between 25-50 - loading dose should be 1600iu daily for 6 months. Then retest and advise patient to buy over the counter vitamin D daily dose 800-1000iu
You can either go back to GP, or do as many of us do and just buy your own.
Retest via vitamindtest.org.uk after 3 months £28 postal test