I am so angry and upset I can barely type this!! I have just come back from the first appointment with the endo since my hemilobectomy and she wants to cut my medication because she thinks I am over medicated because of the TSH level despite having hypo symptoms and no hyper symptoms. She just didn't listen to a word I said.
My latest blood test results are TSH 0.09 (0.35-5.00), FT4 7.1 (9.0-20.0), ft3 3.4 (2.5-5.7). This is on 30mg t3. The week before was TSH 0.39, ft4 6.8, ft3 2.8. On 20mg t3.
I am so tired in the evening I can't do anything, cold, feel like I am coming down with flu of an evening . I really thought that a small increase in medication would mean I would be in the right track to getting better, not in my wildest dreams did I ever think she would reduce the medication after having lost half my thyroid!
She simply would not listen to a word I said and in the end as I wanted to be very clear on this, got out of her that she was basing her decision to reduce the medication solely on the TSH result and nothing else counts. I said that I thought a suppressed TSH is not usual if you are on t3 monotherapy but she would have it.
I am so angry as I was so reluctant to have the operation in the first place as I thought that this was where I would end up and despite being assured that I would be adequately replaced here I am exactly where I thought I would be.
I would welcome advice on where to go from here.