Hi this is the first time that I've posted on this forum. I was diagnosed about 4 years ago with an underactive thyroid and prescribed 50mg Levothyroxine, after 6 months this was increased to 75mg and I have stayed on that dose ever since.
I have swollen ankles, itchy skin, and my whole body feels bloated, I have put on 3 stones in weight and have tried all the usual diets, which have mostly been unsuccessful, even with keeping a food diary, people cannot understand why I am still gaining weight. I have joined a gym and exercise at least 4 times per week, but am still struggling. I am constantly cold and have battled for years with M.E.
After reading some posts, I decided to get my blood tested privately and it has just come back that they are all within normal range, so it looks like I have drawn a blank.
The blood test results are below and I would appreciate any comments that any of you may have on them.
TSH 1.02 range 0.27 - 4.2
Free Thyroxine 20.1 range 12.0 - 22.00
Free T3 4.6 range 3.1 - 6.8
Thank you