Hello all,
I’ve been diagnosed with autoimmune hypothyroidism for 2 years,
Below are recent blood test results from GP. These were without any T3 for 3 days as I had run out and it had taken a long time in the post for the new ones to come. Was on 100mcg Levothyroxine at the time.
HbA1C 5.1% No reference range
HbA1C 32 No reference range
Abbott Thyroid abs 188.0 IU/ml reference (0-6)
I’m a busy mum of 4, work as an aqua instructor, personal trainer which is a very active job, I find I don’t respond and repair from my work/exercise and can be tired and have a low mood! I’m hungry a lot and seem to be putting on weight all over :-((
Been on 75mcg levothyroxine as recommended by GP after these test results.
Any advice much appreciated and welcome
Thank you! X