Hi to everyone.
Have been gradually increasing my T3 under the guidance of an endo am now at 45 mcg. Am still not symptom free but do think the T3 has helped some of my aches and pains and my brain fog is lifting. My only issue is that my pulse which when resting is normally 72 beats a minute is up to 90. Not drastic but I can feel the difference . I am also getting a lot of missed beats as well. My heart is not happy and I am not sure what to do about it. I take iron to keep my ferritin levels up so i dont think that is an issue.. I tried 40 mcg and still had the brain fog, so upped to 45 mcg, maybe I should try 42.5 (I'm thinking out loud now)!
Just dont want to go downhill again. The endo had talked about adding in T4 as he was reluctant for me to go up to 45mcg as my blood results were as follows
on 35 mcg t3 TSH 0.61 (0.35-5) T4 2.5 (7-20) T3 4.8 (3.5 - 5.3)
The endo said I should be feeling well on these results but I asked to go up to 45 mcg, but now have an unhappy heart. Been on this dose for just over a month.
I did try NDT (Armour and Erfa) and got the thumping heart at 2 grains, I did not get any symptom relief with either of these meds.
Could my heart eventually get used to it or do i play around with the dose.
I supplement with vid d, iron, b12 - all the usual suspects.
Any ideas would be great.
Thanks L