Over the years I have been advised to take many different supplements but which are the most effective and necessary for hashimotos sufferers? E.g selenium and do any help weight loss
What supplements to take : Over the years I have... - Thyroid UK
What supplements to take

Research shows that selenium (200 mcg/day) certainly help in decreasing the anti-bodies.

Odd my endo told me to take it then told me to stop he then advises vit D then contradicts himself so confusing and says I dont need it the same with taking iron
The other thing worthy mentioning is that a gluten free diet also helps a great deal with Hashimoto's. drhoffman.com/article/hypot...
In one report that I read, it is suggested that the gluten molecular structures are very close in their resemblance with the thyroid's so when the immune system starts attacking it also targets the thyroid's
I was diagnosed hypo 7 years ago and started on levo and then 6 months ago TPO antibodies were very high. I have been on gluten and dairy free diet for last 3 months after reading about how they can affect antibodies. I lost some weight, but started to lose more weight when I started supplementing recently with B12, folate and B6! My selenium and Iodine levels are both good as are VitD , iron and ferritin. I recently had a full set of mineral tests and thyroid function tests from BH. GP only does TSH and if it is below 1, which is where I need it to be, then lab often tests T4 but they never test T3 and I had to persuade doc to get TPO test done. Levels of TPO have come right down since being on gluten free! I would say if you can get Vit and mineral levels right and go gluten free you stand better chance of coping with and hopefully reducung TPO antbodies!
Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid which means unless you eat lots oily fish, chances are you are deficient and it is also essential to counter the effects of the hydrogenated fats loaded in the modern diet. The second I'd suggest is magnesium. It is difficult to test the level but the adrenal gland uses much of it when we are stressed. B vitamins can be useful and if you need B12, you should take the whole realm of b's long with it. It's much better to obtain vitamin D from the sun if at all possible. The supplement is still questionable as is folic acid.
Well a bit of food news after experimenting over the last few months with different supplements although not tried omega yet selenium. Seems to be helping after just a few days my weight is dropping. Only a few pounds but that's a big deal as I need food poisoning to achieve that in less than a week
hi i'm taking vitamin D3, selenium, sometimes DHEA and iron - tried magnesium, adrenalin support and many others cant remember off hand which none made a diffrence