Ive been asking the forum about my concerns re taking estrogen for menopause, and have found out that estrogen can mess with the delivery of T4. I would prefer to stop estrogen altogether but due to horrendous and debilitating flushes, ive found it impossible to do. Two friends of mine have mentioned using American Wild Yam Cream, that is applied to inner arms and legs in the mornings and evenings. Have any of the ladies in the forum tried this extract for flushes. If so, please can you give me some feedback. At 60 yrs of age, im getting a little concerned that I am still unable to stop the estrogen and that my body would not have wanted the estrogen so badly by now. These flushes are a real NIGHTMARE. Lynne x
Has anyone heard of, or used Mexican Wild Yam c... - Thyroid UK
Has anyone heard of, or used Mexican Wild Yam cream instead of estrogen replacement?

I think menapause can go on for years well past your 60 th.
If your not getting any benifit from what your taking then look for something else. You can buy wild yam tincture in the health food
shop or on line. Or eat foods containing it like soya.
There is always a risk that soya contains cadmium.
Even the cream base may upset your skin.
I went into earily menopause.
HRT plasters just replaced my hormones.
Natural was not enough to do that .
There's horse urine in the prescribed medician.
If you are allergic you might have a problem.
Hi carolr. Thats the thing. Estrogen DOES stop the flushes. I take Premarin 0.625, but due to estrogen potentially messing with the absorption of T4, I feel I would be far better off ( thyroid health wise) , to find a natutal remedy. I read on the forum to avoid soya, so eating foods containing estrogen must be a no no? Skin wise, I don't usually have any allergies. If I grow a tail and a main or start neighing, would that mean an allergy to the horse urine in hrt? Sorry carolr. I hope you can see the funny side of that remark. At least I am smiling which I haven't been for a long time, so my sense of humour hasn't been destroyed along with my ( once) thyroid.
I think it's make do and mend as your GP might make you do.
Or go to a natural practioner.
Black Gosh, Flavernous Magnesium is very important.
Getting a blood test to see where your hormones are there are various feedback mechanisms.
Where estrogen is over stimulated because the progesterone is missing. It has to be increased by the body to bring the bodies own supply up.
As soon as one hormone goes over there has to be a deficiency somewhere else.
If you nay do tell me big smile!
I sneezed with some HRT.
Lol. Isn't it great to have a good laugh carol? The best therapy in the world. So glad you have one too. Strangely enough, ive just made an appt with Dr. Monroe at her clinic in Hertfordshire! She specialises in environmental factors and looks at a person as a whole, which will make a welcome change to what ive been used too. I bet we could all write a book on here eh? Another person mentioned black cosh to me earlier! So that's a good sign. Will deffo look into that one. Lynne x
Hi nezzykins,have a look at the London specialist pharmacy,they use wild yam and soya to make the estrogen cream I mentioned earlier. Bev,
Have you given Black Cohosh a try and/or Boron? I've heard people had good results with them and no side effects that might worry you.
T Y Heloise. Ive been looking on amazon and they also have American Wild Yam cream on there. Is boron and black cohosh herbs or do they come from roots of plants?
Black cohosh is an herb but boron is a very important mineral. Do they have reviewers on the Amazon site. I like iHerb.com as they have reviews by people who have actually bought the product and used them and usually quite a few so you can get an idea of how many people find them effective. also look at the 1-star reviews
Hello All
After a hysterectomy 30 years ago +ovaries gone and various complications with HRT, I started using natural progesterone cream, and it worked wonders for many years. A couple of years ago a kinesiologist friend said it wasn't doing anything, so I stopped using it. BIG mistake - many of my symptoms returned, and needless to say I am back on it, but it takes a while before it kicks back in. It costs about £15 - £17 per tube, which lasts about a month to 6 weeks. If you google "Unique Progesterone Cream" you should get to Jane Evans site to get hold of it. xx
Hi sheena. Im allergic to progesterone. I take estrogen only but want to go natural due to the interraction of estrogen and thyroxin. X
Can I ask what you mean by being allergic to progesterone?
Hi silver fairy. When I took the progesterone part of the hrt, I was like a woman posessed! Thats the best way I can describe it. 14 days of estrogen - fine, then the 14 days of progesterone - evil bitch, crying, almost suicidal. Lynne x
Have a look here. I have Graves and the HRT I was taking was making me hypo even though I am only on a minuscule dose of Carbimazole. I have done a lot of research (not that I understand most of it!) as I still need something for some menopause symptoms and came across this website. She sounds like she knows what she is talking about but who knows! But I am now trying progesterone only. I am on day 3 and obviously need the old HRT to be out my system before I can see if I improve but fingers crossed!
A warning, there is a lot to trawl through but very interesting.
On the left is 'visit the forum', with a list of member questions.
I had tablets not cream and it did seem to work for me. Black cohosh has also been found to work too.
I found a small can of spray spring water was handy to keep in my handbag to help cool you down. Had a cooling spray by the bed too.
Hi meme. Tried all the tricks but thanks for your suggestion. Will try black cohosh as a few of the forum members have suggested trying it too T Y for your reply and hope you are keeping well. Lynne x
Hi Nezzykins
Many years ago when studying at th college of law I suffered premenstrual stress which always coincided with my exams. I read a wonderful book book called "Once a Month" by a gynaecologist called Dr.Katarina Dalton, where you can chart yourself for the right hormone deficiency. Progestone is one of the four female hormones and she stated that the best form of this is contained in the roots of Wild Yams grown in the Amazonian rain forest. This cannot be taken orally, it can only be taken by pessary, suppository or injection. I also discovered that HRT or the contraptive pill was a compound which, as time has proved causes all kinds of problems. If you get hold of this marvellous book you will be able to chart yourself and this will help you greatly in alleviating your symptoms. I then found out that there was a preparation called Cyclogest whch was the natural form of progesterone, the lack of which was the cause of my symptoms. I saw one GP in my surgery who wanted to put me on the pill. I told him about ths book and natural progesterone. He scoffed at this, telling me he would put his own wife on the pill and stated, "You know I would not dabble in law". I got right up his nose by stating "Are you telling me I should not think?" Anyway I did manage to persuade another GP to give me a course just to help me over my exams. They worked and I did not need any more.
I hope all this helps
Hi voronica. T Y foy your helpful reply. X