Hi I'm new here and I realise this has probably been answered a hundred times before but hoping for some advice!
I was diagnosed with underactive thyroid in 2009 (although have suffered from symptoms since late teens) and put on 50 levothyroxine. Initially it helped but after a few months I was back to feeling tired, depressed, achy etc so prescription was increased to 75 which it's been ever since. Again I felt better for a short while then back to the norm!
Throughout this I have had bouts of anaemia once every year or two. The first was 4 moths before I was diagnosed underactive. The most recent was last Sept when my ferritin levels were 6!! I'm still on iron tablets trying to get my levels back to normal. Every doc I have seen have automatically assumed it's due to heavy periods, even though I have told them I don't, put me back on the pill and suggested the coil. I'm not veggie but have also been told to eat more meat.
Currently I feel that everything so far has just been a band aid and no questions asked as to why my thyroid isn't functioning properly or why I'm anaemic.
I've generally always excepted what the doctor has told me and never questioned anything until this latest bout of anemia, as I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired, living like half a person and being called lazy! It also hasn't helped that I've moved about a lot and have rarely seen the same doc twice! I've never asked for test results (I usually just get 'they're all fine') or understood their meaning. I'm now doing my research but would really love to know what specific tests I should be getting? Should I ask to be referred to an endocrinologist/haematologist/nutritionist? What should I be asking the doc to look for?
Going by some of the posts I've read so far, it looks like I'm not the only one frustrated by the seeming lack of understanding in the general medical field! It's nice not to be on my own
Any help or advice on what I should do next would be much appreciated.
fi x