Hi i am after advice again regarding a GP appointment i have on friday.If its worth the hassle or my results seem ok.
After a horrendous gp appointment when i was really unwell and my TSH had crept up a little but accodring to my gp the within normal ranges was spouted!!
Dec 3rd my TSH and T4 were as im going to say fab at 0.7(0.35-5.5)
and T4 was 15.2(9.22.7)
i WENT TO THE DOCS as i felt really unwell typical hypo symptoms and tey tested and on that a male doc blasted me saying it was not my thyroid and to put it right out of my head and it was menopausal.I had bloods come back that told me all was well(as i told him but he didnt listen)
The bloods done on 29.1.13 were TSH 1.37(0.35-5.5) AND T4 17.5(9-22.7)
So i see its rising i feel it is but GP says not! was rude and generally said i was being silly!
ayway i went to have private bloods done on 31.1.13 thyroid T3 and antibodies.On advice from someone here regarding my T3 as i seem to be really suffering .I also took it upon myself to up my thyroxine as i was so unwell i was on 75mg and i have been doing 75mg one night and 100 on alternate nights.One week on im already feeling the benefits.The male gp refused even to consider an increase as im well within normal peramiters grrrr!
Anyway the tests went missing and ive only just got them today and dont seem to have any advice and even if they are fine and just the levo will be ok
so here goes and advice on my next move or wether im ok and not needing to do anything else.
so results as follows
FREE T3 3.7 (3.1-6.8 )REF RANGE
FREE T4 18.2 12-22)
TSH 0.822 (0.270-4.200)
SO what to do or is it more normal now..what a differsnce in ranges though lol