I have just read that grapefruit juice can help with nocturia , but I am sure that I have also read that it is not advisable to drink with hypothyroid. Is there an article that I can read to find out more ??
grapefruit: I have just read that grapefruit... - Thyroid UK

Gosh I'd like to know about this - I have it for breakfast every day!
Some useful links :
None of these links suggest an interaction between grapefruit and levothyroxine.
I also looked at the patient information leaflet for levothyroxine and grapefruit is not mentioned.
This is an old post from Rod
Oddly, I used to love grapefruit but since I had my thyroid removed I don't. I love limes though!
Phew!!!! Thanks human bean, I'll sleep better tonight looking forward to my grapefruit without worrying
Grapefruit juice was always my favourite till I was in hospital and had a serious adverse reaction which I put down to the juice as it happened the instant I swallowed it.
I have never drank it since and that's been about 15 years.
The only thing I know about not having Grapefruit, is that it should not be eaten or grapefruit juice drunk if you are taking Simvistatin for high cholesterol.
It's contraindicated with Warfarin too.