I went Gluten free 3 months ago. Yesterday I read that going gluten free can interfere with any antibody tests you have done. Is this true.
Gluten free: I went Gluten free 3 months ago... - Thyroid UK
Gluten free

It reduces antibodies, so yes it has a positive effect. In my case my antibodies have come down by over 3/4

Same here - I hadn't thought of it as GF 'interfering' with my results. Being GF reduced them massively and that was only after three months. I'll be interested to see what happens when I test at six months.
It's great isn't it - too bad the nhs is not competent enough to understand the gluten - thyroid connection. Don't get overly excited as they drop rapidly then seem to plateau, or that's what happened in my case

thank you


That's encouraging Thanks
Sylvia22 when you say it interferes w antibodies, do you mean thyroid antibodies or are you going to be tested for coeliac disease? Some people find that being gf helps reduce thyroid antibodies, but if your concern is cd you need to be eating gluten before the test. Hope that helps.
No I'm not being tested for coeliac disease but the article seemed to think it not a good idea to go gluten free.
Maybe they were making the point that if you reduce your antibodies your gp might not recognise your hypothyroidism. I can't think of any other reason anyone would be concerned about this, except that periodically you get a number of hyperbolic articles saying Everyone must be gf! and then a corresponding number saying No one should be gf! etc.
Yes I wondered that. I f something becomes popular those with a vested interest in the opposite try to rubbish it.
I mistakenly let them talk me into going back onto gluten after a year for a certain test. The biggest mistake. I felt rubbish for a year after having felt much better. Even a small amount of gluten takes ages to get out of the body. The effects are magnified when being reintroduced. Gluten affects my brain and my nervous system but not obviously my stomach.