I'm currently trying to find a solution to my latest hypo related horror-Nocturia (getting up to wee umpteen times a night!) One thing that is said to work is grapefruit but I've read that it's not good for hypos. Any thoughts anyone?
Is grapefruit OK?: I'm currently trying to find a... - Thyroid UK
Is grapefruit OK?

Do you drink a lot of coffee or tea?
If you can, give up or reduce Caffeine. If not avoid in the evening. Drink plenty of water earlier in day. Avoid drinking in the last two hours before going to bed.
Why is grapefruit not good for hyps please ?
Not sure that it's bad for hypothyroidism as such, but apparently it does interact with thyroid medication livestrong.com/article/4325...
Hmmm... Pity they didn't tell us at what time she consumed the grapefruit juice, and at what time she took her levo.
Agreed, that definitely could have a bearing on things. As is so often the case, more precise research is needed. I'd also say that consistency is important. e.g. make sure you have grapefruit every day with at least a four hour gap from the levo, and you would then be able to balance your dose accordingly. But as soon as you stop having the grapefruit, the levo dose could need adjusting again.
I'm following the Auto-Immune Protocol and grapefruit is on the OK list. I know you shouldn't eat grapefruit if you are taking certain medication, for high blood pressure for example, but am not aware of it interfering with thyroid treatment. Constipation can cause increased urination (pressure on the bladder).
I would be taking the grapefruit in the evening and taking my meds about 6am so I assume that's OK then?
Mary-int I have about two cups of decaff per day and other than alcohol (which strangely usually means I DON'T go to the loo about a million times!) I don't dare drink in the evening!
If anyone is similarly afflicted raisins are supposed to work and they did a bit for me last night
Have you considered contacting the Continence Nurse for your area. In many areas you can self-refer. She can do bladder scan and flow test.
Bladder & Bowel helpline will be able to give you contact phone number for your area. Call:
01926 357220
My bladder frequency was caused by Rectocele & Intussuception and prolapse. Long term constipation problems and total pelvic floor weakness. The pressure on my bladder (from other organs, full bowel) caused sudden need to void when only half full or less.
I also later found out I have a fibroid outside (on top) of womb. This was only seen few years ago on Internal (transvaginal) Ultrasound scan. Earlier u/s scans of Pelvic area resulted in my being told "womb normal - no fibrods).
Have you had any investigations in that area?
All this happened when I was untreated Hypothyroid.
Thanks a lot Mary. I don't think mine is anything other than plain old Nocturia though, which seems to be quite common in women and in men. I'm fine except during the night when I often wake up 4 or 5 times a night to have a massive wees. I often wonder where all the liquid comes from!
Me too! I rarely have a drink after 6pm-makes no difference! Just had results from saliva test- very low cortisol, DHEA below range, frequent urination is a symptom of adrenal fatigue! DHEA yet another hormone only available on prescription but no one will prescribe it!! I have bought some on line and have just started taking it. I have been warned on here that this is illegal but having checked out the laws, I am not breaking the law, a friend in the legal profession thought it funny I should think anyone would even care!
I wouldn't care either if I was you ljk 1. Think of yourself first and the law later!! Why not try raisins or grapefruit and see if they work for you?
Pls when do i consume the raisings. Got problem with getting up several times in the night too
Have you had your HbA1c (longer term blood sugar) tested and Blood Glucose? Type 2 Diabetes can do this. Check your latest result print off to see BUT they'd have called you in but I had minor those symptoms long before a high HbA1c. Best of xx
I haven't had it tested since last year but I've checked online and I don't have any other symptoms...especially weight loss!!!
No, I definitely didn't either - only Low Carbs-High Fat produced that. GOOD! Not something you want Frequent urination is sometimes indicative. xx
Do you have your last HbA1c? Sorry, I'm curious as to what other people's are.
The best thing for hypo symptoms is more thyroid medication LOL
I was found it better to avoid it -- i don't miss it anyway -it was one of the things on my list that I got to stay away from . My Vit K i get from Multi Vitamin and instant breakfast . cranberry sauce i eat but it doesn't effect me like i have heard on here that it does others. we are all different in ways !
I was prescribed low dose Amitriptyline 20 mg daily to help with muscle/joint pain. Like you I was up through the night at least twice for the loo but since taking this I haven't had to get up once. I mentioned this to my GP, he said they also prescribe this to children who have bed wetting problems! Just a thought for you to maybe discuss with your G.P. Good luck.
Brilliant! Nice to have a positive side effect for a change. I'm going to keep on with the raisins/grapefruit but will keep that on the back burner
Grapefruit is meant to be a metabolic booster. As it is an acid fruit, it may cause acid indigestion
in some people. Unless you think there is something magical about it, I would take 1000grms of vitamin c a day to boost your adrenals - boots sometimes have offers on for 3 for 2 in orange
flavoured tablets. Some of the dispersible tablets have citric acid in, so I prefer ones low in acid.
Less acid fruit are apples apricots and bananas. Think the advice on amytriptoline might
help as it will help the involuntary muscles from over reacting.