Low vitamin D: Just recieved a letter from my... - Thyroid UK

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Low vitamin D

yorkshiregirl44 profile image
26 Replies

Just recieved a letter from my endo saying that my last blood test showed vitamin D to be low.

They have suggested that i take 1.000 units of cholecalciferol per day.

I realise that this could cause some of my muscle and bone pain, but i dont think it would make me feel really unwell, would it?

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yorkshiregirl44 profile image
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26 Replies
bantam12 profile image

It can make you feel unwell.

yorkshiregirl44 profile image
yorkshiregirl44 in reply to bantam12

i didnt know that

shaws profile image

This is a link:-


yorkshiregirl44 profile image
yorkshiregirl44 in reply to shaws

thanks will have a look at that

Marz profile image

vitamindcouncil.org gives you a good idea of the amount of conditions where LOW Vitd plays a role. It is more than a vitamin - it is a steroidal pre-hormone and involved in many transactions in the body....

yorkshiregirl44 profile image
yorkshiregirl44 in reply to Marz

I will check my results on wedenesday when i go see my endo. Thanks for the advice in the past i havent really took mcuh notice of vitamins and minerals

in reply to yorkshiregirl44

No-one does, especially not GPs :(

I didn't take notice either - took me ages to realise that my joint/muscle pains could be 'mere' vitamins/minerals. What sealed it for me was vice-like rib-cage pain - I could hardly take a proper breath (apart from long-time wrist/elbow/shin pain too) & was sent for x-ray, at the same time having physio for a bad neck, - all disappeared after 3-4 months or so when I took a decent amount of VitD3 (4000 iu drops daily made the difference for me- even an Egyptian holiday didn't do it). I think I was 40 nmol/L "inadequate". (daughter was deficient at 20 something).

Being in constant pain is complicated - you take pain killers for a start, it wears you down & takes over your life, you can't even sleep, you are in a constant battle. Now I'm pain free (well almost) I feel brighter and hopeful, I can do things without pain - even if it's only one thing I could sort myself and feel better - that's the first step. Lots more steps to go....

Ps my TSH level went to 1.69 (from 5+) when VitD replete - maybe calms those antibodies a bit or points them in the right direction - who knows.... there's not a lot of research unfortunately, no backers for a mere 'vitamin'. Even before the 1930s they gave out cod liver oil to prevent rickets, it controls calcium and all sorts! Here's a booklet.... if only we had enough sunshine! Jx


yorkshiregirl44 profile image
yorkshiregirl44 in reply to

Thats vert encouraging..all the mains i get i thought it was athritus as i have that in my spine, it could be a bit of both, pain everywhere, shine, ribs, knees hips shoulders, jaw....like your say that causes fatigiue because its like dreagging a heavy sack around all day.

in reply to yorkshiregirl44

If I was a doctor I'd prescribe a nice long sunny holiday - Darn, then again I'd have no patients! J :D

(Try supplementing one vitamin/mineral at a time - otherwise you won't know which one is helping)

You need to find out what your result was, and you need to ask for a calcium test to discount hyperparathyroidism as a reason for your low vit D. If your deficiency is severe, 1000 IU is quite a low dose to try and correct it. So please get a copy of the result if you can.

H x

yorkshiregirl44 profile image
yorkshiregirl44 in reply to

Maybe its only slightly low im not sureuntil i get a print out. Iv never taken vit D so didnt know what kind of dose 1000 daily was.

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to yorkshiregirl44

On 1000 iU per day my vitamin D level actually dropped quite substantially. I now take 5000 iU per day and I think it is helping with joint and muscle pain. It is rather early days for me though, so I can't be sure.

yorkshiregirl44 profile image
yorkshiregirl44 in reply to humanbean

Iv just added vitamin D to my list of things to research,,when does it stop...

in reply to yorkshiregirl44

it stops when you feel better, and you will.. J x

in reply to yorkshiregirl44

Most docs would think that quite a high dose - but not in Thyroid world - some are prescribed 10,000iu for 12 weeks ('normal' RDA is something like 400iu) agree, have calcium tested too, just in case.

Alternatively you could live in Africa - a few months of sunshine should sort it, alternatively

eat a ton of sardines instead - tricky :D

Or if you're say 40nmol/L - adequate 80 - so take 4000 iu (30 would be 5000, 80-30 =50 (5000iu) 'til you reach 80nmol/L - many report 125 is optimal, 200 tops - it's not an exact science it seems, also magnesium & K2 are helpful)

I feel another link coming on.... grassrootshealth.net/

(watch out Americans measure in ng/ml not our usual nmol/L) J :D

yorkshiregirl44 profile image
yorkshiregirl44 in reply to

Thanks...theres something strange happening with my posts, i can see some of them and then it looks like they have finished and then some more appear...i hope i havent missed any

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to yorkshiregirl44

If you "lose" some posts try scrolling down and down. Sometimes that forces them to appear.

yorkshiregirl44 profile image
yorkshiregirl44 in reply to humanbean

Just found that out...thanks

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to yorkshiregirl44

...and don't believe the bit about being in the sun either ...because if we have thyroid issues our absorption seems affected too. Hubby and I moved to Crete in 2004. Two years ago we were both tested for VitD and I was lower than him - but both were insufficient. I take 10,000 IU's a day - and it helps the Crohns too. I believe you have Crohns too. If so there is an article on the website I detailed above about Crohns and VitD - have you looked at it ?

grassrootshealth.net is a Canadian site with a table showing you how much to take according to your results in order to reach an optimal level. Hope I have the name correct....

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Marz

...sorry - didn't read down to include spareribs post - :-)

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Marz

I don't know long you have had Crohns - but you should have been told about the importance of B12 too. It must be around 800/900 and I would suggest you use the patches from Amazon that also include all the other B's. With Crohns you won't be absorbing B12 or other nutrients well. Your GP should be on Red Alert for these issues. Ask them to mark your file accordingly in a visible spot. B12 is mostly absorbed in the terminal ileum - where the small bowel joins the large. How do I know this ? - well I don't have one due to surgery some 40 years ago for Crohns and TB....

I have only recently boosted B12 intake - in the last few years - and can feel the difference. Remember also that the blood test for B12 is only a guide and does not tell you what is happening at a cellular level....

Clutter profile image

Yorks, my vitD was <10. Prescribed 40,000iu x 7 days in Nov followed by 2,000iu maintenance dose to be cont/d or discon/td subject to today's blood test. If it's in range NHS won't prescribe. If it's low in range I'll supplement until we have plenty of sunshine.

I felt the benefit in early Jan. Skin plumped out, muscle weakness improved as did mood and the sense of unwellness left although wellness hasn't quite replaced it yet. Hopeful though.

in reply to Clutter

personally just the fact that I'd found something that worked & eased pain made me very hopeful indeed :D - now I had fuel to further empower myself and try to convey this to a few along the way. Yes Vit D encourages a happier mood - who isn't happy seeing sunshine? J x

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to

My spirits lift just seeing your avatar ;)

in reply to Clutter

flatterer! besides it's just a yellow spider.........

yenool profile image

1000 iu a day doesn't seem like a lot, although I guess it depends exactly what your level is?

Mine level is about 13 and the doctor put me on 20,000 iu a week. It seems like plenty of other people are on even higher doses than that for severe deficiency.

I can't wait to see if it (hopefully) improves my pain and general 'unwell' feeling.

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