Total T4 86.4 (58-154 nmol/L)
TSH 3.07 (0.4-4 mIU/L) This one was taken much later in the day than the 3.3 I got at the docs.
Free T4 14.4 (10-22 pmol/L)
Free T3 3.9 (2.8-6.5 pmol/L)
FT4/FT3 ratio 3.7 (2-4.5 ratio)
Reverse T3 0.38 (0.14-0.54 pmol/L)
Thyroglobulin TG antibodies 1007 (0-40 IU/mL)
Peroxidase TPO antibodies 10 (0-35 IU/mL)
Apparently I am perfectly normal according to an endocrinologist!
Bloods are in normal ranges & retest in 6 weeks.
I'm not sure I am going to last another 6 weeks!