Tired, no energy, bad neck pains and headaches,... - Thyroid UK

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Tired, no energy, bad neck pains and headaches, blurred vision, sore throat and some swelling on neck.

Wayne1967 profile image
18 Replies

Hi all and good morning. I am writing on here as don't know what to do. I feel so tired all day even if I have a good sleep. My energy is zero, I've had bad neck pain and migraine headaches for 10 days on trot when normally it's just a few days. My eyes are blurred and feel dizzy. I've been getting a sore throat and sometimes notice swellings on the right side of neck. I have had spinal fusion and my back is bad again and some other joints are painful. I'm feeling so down and the headaches are getting me down and the tiredness is bad. I've fell asleep driving and my wife took over and I have fell asleep while visiting family and it's embarrassing. My bloods came back normal but my last blood test was about 5 months ago. What should I do. I've even had chest pain and been getting very breathless and it scares me. Sorry to write so much I know all are having problems but I don't know what to do. My wife is not read up on my condition and don't seem to care and my gp is not that good and says you have hypothyroidism, fybromyalgia, arthritis you will feel bad and then sends you on your way. Thank you for listening.

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Wayne1967 profile image
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18 Replies
Fed_up profile image

Hi wayne 1966

Has your gp tested your thyroid? Your symptoms sound like mine before I had mine removed in July

Seems that one little organ can play havoc with the whole body

I get chest pains lethargy muscle weakness but zero wrong with my heart so I put it all down to my levels not being right yet

Hang in there & maybe change your dr

Some of them just don't listen took me. 3 yrs and a few gps till I found one who did

Wayne1967 profile image
Wayne1967 in reply to Fed_up

Hi. Yes had it tested and been on Levo 175 for about 2 years now but seem to have for worse as times gone on. Gonna go see doctor and if no luck will change doctors. But hopefully she will so the other test admin have mentioned to me. Thank you for replying.

shaws profile image

Hi Wayne,

I am sorry you're not feeling well at all. Your symptoms do sound clinical symptoms of hypo.

I would ask your GP to add 20mcg of T3 to a reduced 50 mcgT4 and it may help you feel better. Email louise.warvill@thyroiduk.org and ask for a copy of the Pulse Online article by Dr Toft. Give/send a copy to your GP to peruse before your appointment, telling him you want to discuss question 6 in particular.

If your GP does a new thyroid gland blood test, always get a copy with the ranges so that you can post here for comments. If he does a new blood test, also ask for Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, iron, ferritin and folate as we need a good ferritin level for levo to work. The first two vitamins are usually low in hypo and can cause problems too.

Best wishes.

Lizzy678 profile image
Lizzy678 in reply to shaws

Hello Shaws, I have had blood work and go Friday to talk to doctor again, (new doctor) Vit D was low and am on 50,000 weekly from last doctor ,crazy just moved from Florida, the sunshine state, where I walked to work everyday for months until I couldn't do it anymore. B12 was 590 , I do take supplements for both also I dont see the ferritin and folate test is it called something else?

Thanks, Lizzy

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Lizzy678

These are separate tests and I have read that ferritin in particular should be at least 70 for it to convert the levo. The range starts below 70 so Gp may say our ferritin is fine when we need more.


Lizzy678 profile image
Lizzy678 in reply to shaws

Thank you! Going to read it now.


Wayne1967 profile image
Wayne1967 in reply to shaws

Hi thank you so much I am going to get an appointment this week to see GP. I will do as you said and see how I get on than you again for a quick reply and will post after seen doctor and had new bloods done.

Lizzy678 profile image

Hi Wayne, I feel your pain, migraine started 3 days ago ( 10 days is a long time I am sorry you have to go through this) and get this, which is really gross I am now getting these boils, (I'm single, how do I explain that) tested me just recently for antibodies which came back positive but TSH are normal, have 2 goiters, and heart palpitations, weight gain, fatigue, hives, depression, dizzy blurred vision and so on. On my second doctor, because there is nothing wrong with my thyroid (Bull) you have depression and its causing these symptoms. I didn't know depression gave you goiters and made antibody test positive, they are happy to give me 2 anti-depressants but nothing for my thyroid. Really... Everything I read says Hashimotos.. Again sorry you have to feel this way I don't wish our symptoms on anyone. Lizzy

Wayne1967 profile image
Wayne1967 in reply to Lizzy678

Ty you Lizzy. I wish our pain would go away. I understand about weight gain also gone from 12stone to 17 stone. Luckily I'm 6 foot 4 tall so can hide it a bit. Thank you all that have replied to my message and I wish you well and hope this pain and suffering one day will calm a little. Bless you all.

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to Wayne1967

Wayne see my reply to Lizzie. Ask your GP to test Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (TPoA) as part of your thyroid panel.

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to Lizzy678

Hashimoto's often produces 'normal' TSH. There is a range (isn't there always?) above which it is appropriate to treat the patient's clinical hypothyroid symptoms with levothyroxine and test FT3 and FT4. Untreated hypothyroidism can cause heart problems. Get your GP educated or change your GP.

Lizzy678 profile image
Lizzy678 in reply to Clutter

Yes thank you going again for reading of results of blood work with this new endo doctor. I have printed out so much information to take with me. Will post my tears or cheers after my appointment. lol

Hi Wayne1967,

Here is a link about B12 deficiency / pernicious anaemia, because from the symptoms you have listed I would want to rule out this condition:


And as the others have said, as well as B12, you must also get folate, iron/ferritin and vit D/calcium tested. Low folate in particular can cause migraines. Any of low B12/folate/iron can cause fatigue, breathlessness, palpitations, and dizziness. You may also have some numbness and tingling? Joint pain could be B12 or vit D.

Explain to the GP that having hypothyroidism actually makes you more likely to have these other related conditions, and if they think your thyroid results are "normal" then they have a duty of care to investigate the cause of your ongoing symptoms with the above tests. Get copies of the results - just being in range is usually not good enough, you need to have optimum levels.

Of course it could just be that your thyroid levels are not optimal for you, so definitely get a copy of those results and post them as well. Question everything, get copies of everything.


sarahstevenson profile image

Hi Wayne - back pain and headaches are wearing and exhausting. Maybe some trial tweaks while you wait could help. Vitamin C slow release 1000iu at night might help with some repair and can't harm you. Have a look at Izabella Wentz book, website and facebook, a pharmacist, as she approaches the root cause by hunting through why you feel as you do. Diet can be a big contributor especially if you have food sensitivity. Do you crave salt - if so try salt water teaspoon in water in the morning can help some people. I had chronic daily headaches and now can have migraine like headaches but mostly am ok hurrah. Better on T3 only with adrenal support low dairy and lower gluten. You can be better than you are currently! take care :-)

stevespoc profile image

Hi Wayne

I have exactly the same as you ..... everything you mentioned above .... and it is a nightmare

It would be good to chat as I feel alone with this battle


Wayne1967 profile image
Wayne1967 in reply to stevespoc

Hi Stevespoc, I feel so sorry for you, it's a nightmare you are right and really gets you down. I have had enough and really don't know where to Turn. Went doctors yesterday sending me to see an endo at last and all the blood tests they told me to have on here. I'm sure I have Hashi's but will see. I'm down also as had major spinal surgery and still bad and looking like going to have another op there. Good luck Steve I hope you get well soon.

stevespoc profile image
stevespoc in reply to Wayne1967

Thanks Wayne ..... it is nice to chat to people on here - and we are similar age.

How is the back ? I can't imagine how that must feel.

I used to be such an active guy and the happy go lucky one - always smiling and being fun .... now I feel like an old man

Every day I am dealing with a battle to get the treatment I need. Consultants are so defensive.

You looking forward to Christmas ?


Wayne1967 profile image
Wayne1967 in reply to stevespoc

Hi Steve, my backs not good. They got to take old operation out and go further up and also have 2 damaged discs in neck but they say it's to dangerous to operate on. Yeh same I used to be active ex Army and played football but that all ended when 26. Had 3 knee ops to and got to have replacement knee but to young. Also used to be so happy but not now. I'm hoping I'm ok Christmas Day as going to my sons and my grandsons 2nd Christmas. If you have Facebook please add me. My email is waynelisa@live.com or search Wayne Spendlove pic of me in black shirt. Off to bed now night will chat Tomoz. Thank you for listening.

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