Hi all.
My second post as I am at the end of my tether! I was diagnoised about two weeks ago and have been taking 25 mg Levothyroxine. I actually feel worse than I did before.
I do a physical job, I'm a carer for people with physical and learning disabilities, working full time with two children. I am utterly exhausted. I am barely able to function anymore. I come home and everything hurts.
My wrists ache
I have tingling pains down my arms
My back aches
My neck aches
My feel hurt when I stand up, it feels like they will break under my weight
My hands are numb and the bones in my fingers hurt if I pick up a drink
My eyes are sore
I have headaches that last days
I cry daily
I have a cough that won't go away
I keep getting tingling pains all over my body
My joints in my shoulders ache
I really feel like I've had enough and I can't do anymore. But I have no choice but to continue.
I am on my probationary period at work, so I am not entitled to any sick leave and I can't afford to take any time off as I'm on low wages as it is. I am stuck in a really hard place and I don't know what else I can do. My next blood tests are not until the end of November, that's nearly two months away.
Has anyone else experienced this problem. What should I do?