Am thinking of taking other meds - just 2 issue... - Thyroid UK

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Am thinking of taking other meds - just 2 issues I have before I commit...

16 Replies

I am thinking of investing in vitamin b12, multivitamins and vitamin c as well as restarting my iron supplements and starting vitamin d as per my GP's instruction when I see her next week. I know that iron can interact with levo, but will any of the other meds interact with it and am I going to have to work around it?

Also I've been getting other symptoms such as headache, higher bbt at 37.4c and bounding pulse - where it is quite steady, then speeds up before slowing down again. All of these things going on are a big difference from my lower bbt - which averaged at 36.3c - and my pulse which was much slower than it is now. I occasionally get some strange aches and pains in my hips - almost vicelike and gripping in sensation - and seem to happen just before it rains. I must sound as though I have arthritis and I'm only 28.

I'm on 125mcg levo and recent blood tests have shown my TSH at 4.6 (0.27-4.2) and my FT4 at 15.6 (12-22).

I have no idea what is going on with me.


Jo xxx

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16 Replies

It took me awhile to realise and start supplementing too (I thought I was eating a good and varied diet!)

I started with Vit D (sunshine) - supplements helped so tried magnesium spray to compliment (& epsom salts in the bath) and then looked to B12 for my numbness/neuro symptoms (with B complex) - as you say investment in your health - vitamins and minerals aren't actually medication - they're just what is missing from the 'modern' diet or what your gut can't absorb, for whatever reason - docs ask if we have a healthy diet, we think so but it's actually hard to get that nowadays.

Iron is a classic one, low levels alone can cause a host of problems (mine's Ok as I eat a lot of meat & liver - but it's not to everyone's taste). Do docs prescribe a course and then stop them like antibiotics? Seems daft to me as there must be a reason why they are low in the first place and if the reason isn't addressed why wouldn't the problem just continue? So iron is helped by Vit C.

Thyroid medication also isn't a 'drug' is just hormone replacement, replacing what your body naturally supplies, but can't.

Vitamins and minerals are a bit of a jigsaw but important, a good multivitamin helps (but if you are tested low in certain ones, just have more of them for a while!)

And finally, it's recommended to take your Levo (or alternative) just with water away from any supplements or even calcium in milk. First thing or some take it before bed - whichever suits. Then take supplements later or perhaps midday. Hope this helps J :D

in reply to

Hi spareribs, you've been brilliant with the info, most helpful and informative. I'll look at the link too, thank you for that. :)

Like yourself I was on a very good diet despite having the TSH high. Back in 2011 my TSH was higher and I was eating fine. I even had digestive symptoms similar to hypo ones earlier than that - around 2008/2009. Always worse in the morning, oddly enough.

I eat a lot of chicken, which I thought was high in iron/protein so even when my iron was low - it was at 15 (30-400) before the last blood test - I couldn't work out why my iron was low despite eating relatively well.

The levo I've been taking during the morning although I get a slight slump in how I feel towards late afternoon. Not sure why but I've been on this dose since November. I did take it at night before bed but I would wake up early in the morning.


Jo xxx

Jackie profile image

Hi Jo, I am not receiving TUK" stuff", but hope you receive this OK.I think your Free t3 needs checking re your symptoms.T4 is fine.Before taking D be sure to have a corrected calcium test, vital as D can put it too high, or of below range, you may need some to help it work Ok Re test both after 3 months. Calcium is an electrolyte so essential, the corrected calcium must be in range.

Iron/ferritin, some needs to be taken with food and some away from food, so go by the instructions with what you are taking.It takes up to 3 months to reach optimum, then ideally a further test. Also if a NHS test, you need to ask them to write on the form ,( as not included) the % of absorption of the iron/ferritin, the most important test.If not being absorbed, action needed

have aB12 and Foliates test first, to give you a figure. Should be high in range..

Vit C not considered a good idea now, medically. Multivit the best but to include the more important minerals.All different so need to find the best, harder than it sounds. I have mine from healthspan.

Best wishes,


in reply to Jackie

Hi Jackie I received your reply fine!! The latest free T3 test result was 5.5 (3.1-6.8). I heard that RT3 can be mistaken for FT3 when being tested, correct me if I'm wrong, so I'm not entirely sure I'm converting that well.

I've been looking more at chewable multivitamins - they're for children but I'm sure there's no harm in taking them myself although I'm an adult (a smaller than average adult I might add!)

I've already had tests for folate and vitamin b12, as well as vitamin d and ferritin.

folate is 4.1 (4.6 -18.7)

Vitamin b12 is 363 (180-900)

If I go for a multivitamin with vitamin c in it would that be ok?


Jo xxx

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to

Hi Yes that is fine. However, do make sure it is also minerals, one tablet to contain vits and minerals. It is the minerals that matter. vits are fine in our diet, except B12 and vit D, neither of which are really vits but just wrongly named and both are hormonal. The amount in one pill of vits is minute. The best thing, totally different is co enzyme Q 10, good for thyroid and lots of other things. The maximum dose is best.. Also the best fish oils, even though you are young.

Your D is OK , it is safer there, quite near the top but not too near too risk going over.I disagree about the FT3 test, if done NHS or Blue Horizon it is correct. I think given a bit longer, you should suddenly start to feel much better. It is not a quick process..

You are right about size, me too. Good doctors have always told me , especially with drugs etc to start on much lower dose than "recommended" and increase to prescribed amount, gradgually and only as much as needed.A lot of medics are unaware of this fact.


in reply to Jackie

Hi Jackie, q10 is in some oil of olay beauty products, am I right? I looked at some multivitamins out and about today, boyfriend discouraged me in getting them as he thought they were quite expensive. I think I'll buy some when he isn't with me because he's starting to get difficult again. We argued some time ago about him not being understanding and he is trying to be more understanding, but whenever I look at multivitamin stuff he says they're dear - so I end up getting nothing.

I will persevere however - with or without him. I feel as though I haven't been looking after myself that well because he doesn't seem to let me. Looks like this will be my own battle.

Thanks for your help - I will take note of what you've suggested, definitely.

Jo xxx

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to

Jo. Nothing like that, co-enzyme Q 10 is a tablet, found at health shops etc. I buy mine from Healthspan..WEB it is marvellous, helps body muscles ( for "normal people", ie not body building or health product. It was originally known to have wonderful properties for bleeding gums. when I started taking it, gums stopped bleeding like magic. Now known to be brilliant for thyroid disease, heart muscle etc etc. look it up, a tablet.Multi vits, not needed really but ones containing minerals too, yes, yes very good indeed. it is the Minerals that not contained in our modern diet, more especially present farming techniques Yes your T3 is fine, you would not want it any higher. .

Yes quite right about the plasma, I was thinking yours was the reverse.

I am sure it is mostly a matter of time. you are dong everything. However, if not, then you need your Adrenal glands tested. The only test any use , through a doc. 24 hour urine collection = a cortisone tablet at midnight ( script) and a blood test at 0am. My Endo says that it is the only test any use.

Best wishes,


shaws profile image

Evening primrose oil or any other fatty acids are essential for our thyroid gland.


in reply to shaws

Hi shaws, thanks for supplying me with the link. Looking at the info it mentions that evening primrose oil helps with weight gain associated with hypo but I am not overweight. I have no fat on me at all, so this has made me nervous in thinking that the evening primrose will make me lose weight. My GP has already said she doesn't want me to lose any more weight as I'm only just in the healthy range for my height.

I will still look into it however so thank you.

Jo xxx

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to

I am not medically qualified but if you have no fat to lose, I doubt it will have that affect. In the link it refers to 'excessive weight gain'. The fact that it nourishes our thyroid gland is the most important aspect but, of course, it's your decision.

in reply to shaws

Thank you, I will still look into it. Are these in capsule form or is a liquid form available?

Jo xxx

humanbean profile image

Your TSH at 4.6 is much too high, and your Free T4 is a bit lower than it ought to be to have a hope of feeling well. I think you are under-medicated.

in reply to humanbean

Hi humanbean, one of my GPs has already stated I'm under medicated and he messed me about with this back in November. This was our conversation:

GP: so what can I help you with?

Me: well, I'm here about my thyroid meds review, but I'm still feeling tired and I don't think the thyroid meds are doing a lot.

GP: you're on 125mcg a day. That seems like a rather reasonable dose. But because you're due for a review to see just how well you're doing on the meds, I'll get a blood test set up for you.

****A week after the blood test, the same GP calls me to see him about the results. I go to the appointment and my TSH is 4.3 (0.27-4.2)****

GP: so you're a little under medicated and I'll put your meds up to 150mcg.

I honestly don't know if I should be giving the latest increase in dose more time to work, as it's been over a month since I've started it, or if I should go back (when I'm back in Bristol). It's only a 25mcg increase I know, but I've found it hard to adjust to it.


Jo xxx

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to

Jo, Not sure you found my further reply to one of you old posts, site was playing up, still is! The link about the TSh and plasma, is if tSh high usually autoimmune( as yours) , then the plasma viscosity often high too, relates to several autoimmune conditions, especially the thyroid. look up high TSh on the WEB.


in reply to Jackie

Hi Jackie, yes, site has been playing up at my end too! :D

I'm not sure what's going on now as my TSH is high and my plasma viscosity is lower. Unless my TSH would have to be up pretty high for the plasma viscosity to go up respectively. But yes, will look into this on the web.

Cheers!! :)

Jo xxx

shaws profile image

If you are going to supplement with Vit B12, it has to be methylcobalamin not cyanocobalam. If your GP has prescribed Vit D, it will be D3 (don't use D2). Vit C helps with the coversion of T4. I am not sure if multi-vitamins would be too much if they also contain Vit C, Vit D.

B12, you can get sublingual (dissolves in mouth/under tongue so no need to worry about interference). You should take supplements 4 hours apart from levothyroxine, so they don't interfere with the uptake of levo.

If you are going to order supplements on the internet Amazon has a good selection and Thyroiduk gets a very small commission.

PS Dr Peatfield recommends CQ10, liquid liquorice too.

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