TSH 79 - severe depression and tiredness Can an... - Thyroid UK

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TSH 79 - severe depression and tiredness Can anyone suggest anything to help.

lowlou profile image
10 Replies

Stopped taking Levothyroxine between july 2012 and july 2013 and felt so much better, not tired, depressed and weight gained fell off me...but suddenly started feeling exhausted which I put down to stress through divorce and diagnosis of dementia in my dad. Then pins and needles started in hands so went to Dr who took blood tests and referred me to Endo. He put me straight onto 200mg of levothyroxine and less than 6 weeks later all the old symptoms are back: change of body shape - everythnigs going flabby, extreme tiredness - need at least 12 hours sleep a day and still wake up exhausted. Menstrual cycle is every 3 weeks and lasts for 10 days and am now so depressed I just want to crawl into bed and never get out again. Dr not sympathetic as I stopped taking tablets but I felt so much better off them than how I do now. Is it better to give in to the sleep the body is craving? I've started eating 3 brazil nuts a day, i take a teaspoon of iron supplement, 1000mg of Vitamin C and a Vitamin B supplement every day. Am trying everything but just feeling more and more down every day.

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lowlou profile image
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10 Replies
humanbean profile image

There are lots of possible reasons why you have this problem on levo.

1) Your body might not be able to use the synthetic thyroxine and it is just building up in your system, unused, and it is poisoning you. If this is the case then you might do better on Natural Dessicated Thyroid and/or T3.

2) You may have vitamin or mineral deficiencies. I can never remember all the things that have to be right, but someone else will know. Iron, B12, magnesium, folate, copper, zinc, selenium... There are probably others.You need to ask the doctor to test you for these things because if you have any deficiencies then they must be fixed.

3) Your adrenal glands might not be functioning well. If your cortisol is too high or too low this will also mean that thyroid hormone will not be used by the body and will just build up.

4) Sex hormone imbalance screws things up too.

I'm sure there are lots of other things that are important, but I can't remember them. Sadly, your GP is unlikely to help you. That is why forums like this one exist. You will have to try and learn how to help yourself, but people will also help. You just need to take things a step at a time, try not to change more than one thing at at time, and work your way towards health.

lowlou profile image

I have the worst GP in the world - when I reluctantly went to see him after the year gap and explained how I was feeling he just turned to me and said ' what do you suggest, you obviously seem to think you know better than me' I just burst into tears and said he had no idea how hard it is and that I just want to feel like I did before - his response - he reached for a paper tissue and blew his nose. Not even handing me one even though I was sitting in tears. I've just rang Dr S office and discovered I need a referral to see him - I know my GP will never refer me.

sharon62 profile image
sharon62 in reply to lowlou

lowlou I know exactly how you feel, you feel such a fraud and wish you never had to go and see a doctor again, same happened to me recently, but reality is you will have to dust yourself down get up and try and see another doctor. As the problems don't go away and at least you have support from this site that have helped me when I feel like I've been humiliated.

Moomin333 profile image
Moomin333 in reply to lowlou

Change your gp. If there is more than one in the practice go to another one there. Or change completely.

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to lowlou

Sounds a real creep. If you go back to him do your research in advance, work out what you want, write it all down and tell him you have taken his advice and this is what you want him to do for you. Show him that you do know better than him.

lisabax profile image
lisabax in reply to lowlou

I'm so sorry to hear about your desperate situation. If you are able to go private there are other practitioners on the Thyroid UK list that don't require referrals. Perhaps you could ask for the list and try one of them? I've tried a couple. If you want some feedback, please feel free to pm me.

humanbean profile image

Change your GP. You really won't benefit from seeing a sarcastic, condescending, arrogant, sadist.

humanbean profile image

I've sent you a private message. :)

susymac profile image

Firstly, your doctor will refer you to who YOU tell him to, and dont take no for an answer! He may, and has the right, to refuse to treat you as per Dr S, recomendations, but he does not have the right to refuse you a second opinion of your choice when it is obvious that your endo is doing nothing for you.

I know how you feel though, its not easy standing up to a GP, you would be far better taking somoene who is stong willed with you to appointments. If you have no one to take then try a patient advocacys service, they will help you speak with your GP. You just tell them what you expect before the appointment and they will come with you and speak for you. They will also be able to advice you if they think you are not being treated fairly and will help with any complaints.

I had no one to take and like you gave up totally on Levo until I was so ill I couldnt do anything. I eventually made the decision to buy my own NDT and treat myself. I would not recommend this to anyone while there was still options for them, bt I had no options left. (btw my TSH was far higher than 79)

shaws profile image

I have read the the addition of Vitamin C can help reduce your TSH which may help you absorb the levo.


I am not really surprised you stopped the levothyroxine. When something you take to make yourself well has the opposite effect, we just automatically stop it. It is a pity that they do not offer alternatives.

It will take a few weeks for your TSH to drop but if still unwell ask for the addition of some T3 which may help your depression

As you have already tried T4 previously, we can provide evidence that some T3 may be added if the patient still doesn't feel well.

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