My TSH came back as middle range 2.8 but not be... - Thyroid UK

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My TSH came back as middle range 2.8 but not been tested for T3 or T4 so, could I still have hyperthyroidism?

joannec123 profile image
23 Replies

She said I wasn't and thyroid is all fine as well as my other BT's but im not convinced - I have so many symptoms of HT and a strong family history of it too!

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joannec123 profile image
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23 Replies
alangardner profile image

hi there , it utterly amazes me why so many doctors rely ONLY on the general tsh test when it has been proved on many occasions by very eminent scholars that to gain a true perspective of the thyroid gland other tests including t3/t4 etc HAVE to be carried out in conjunction and that the tsh test on its own is very unreliable .......I feel that you need to insist to your gp that ALL OF THE TESTS NEED TO BE CARRIED OUT to allow your treatment to be at the optimum level for YOU ......I would hazard a guess that when this is done you will be given a different medication regime [ how unusual ---I don't think ] .....some gp's think that the cost of the tests outweighs the cost of the treatment ==== a total fabrication & false economy ==== .....hope this helps LoL alan xx

joannec123 profile image
joannec123 in reply to alangardner

Thanks, haven't got any treatment or anything, due to having the "normal" result. I am going to insist on more tests when I go back tomorrow x

joannec123 profile image
joannec123 in reply to joannec123

PS, my mum had real problems and ended up having most of her thyroid out due to Goiter and nodule on it. her BT always showed up normal too!

joannec123 profile image
joannec123 in reply to alangardner

Hi, finally Got my results they are

free T3 4.1 (4-8.3)

T4 11.1 (11-25)

TSH 2.3 (o.35 - 3.5)

Antibodies HIGH ????

cant work out which test is for B12??

What does it mean if your antibodies are HIGH ???

marram profile image
marram in reply to joannec123

That looks like Hypothyroid, not Hyperthyroid. Both your T4 and T3 are right at the bottom of the range.

High antibodies could mean that your thyroid is being attacked. In order to prevent it being destroyed any doctor worth his salt would treat you now, there is evidence that early treatment prevents it getting worse. They need to establish exactly what antibodies they are.

He is going ONLY by the TSH and ignoring your symptoms and the fact that the T4 and T3 are only JUST in the range.

joannec123 profile image
joannec123 in reply to marram

Hi, sorry yes it is Hypo not Hyper (it was me trying to diagnose myself lol) she said even though im "In Range" im borderline hypo and as I have so many symptoms and a strong family history (8 women in my family, including my mum!) she has started me on Levo 25 to see if it helps. which is something, at least she has listened to me, the first Dr didn't, just said my TSH was fine!! I have been feeling better since I started them 6 days ago, although today not as good. Dr said it can take up to 6b weeks though for it to really kick in.... she is retesting me in 10 weeks then seeing me 2 wks after.

She didn't mention the Antibodies, im just looking now at the printout and its says HIGH. 4.34 g/L ?? its for IgA .....

what would B12 be on the sheet do you know??

thanks x

joannec123 profile image
joannec123 in reply to joannec123

ps, im veggie, but just started taking a multivitamin incl B12.

marram profile image
marram in reply to joannec123

Just that, B12 - if they have done it. Look under 'Related Conditions' for information.

The IgA is pointing to Hashis. Have you read all there is to read on the TKU main site? It is a veritable mine of information, and there is a list of hypo symptoms, advice on how to do private blood tests if you wish, it's here:

joannec123 profile image
joannec123 in reply to marram

Thanks, I will check it out. ive read lots on this site and others too :-) Doesn't look like they did B12 then? but I sure she said it was fine.... will ask when I see her again.

joannec123 profile image
joannec123 in reply to marram

oh and what is Hashis? x

Ansteynomad profile image

Your GP needs to be reminded that TSH is a pituitary hormone, not a thyroid hormone and that to get a picture of what is actually going on with your thyroid he needs to test FT4 and FT3 (and interpret the results correctly). Also, as you have a family history, you need your TPO and TgAB antibodies checking.

joannec123 profile image
joannec123 in reply to Ansteynomad

Ok, I am jotting all this down to tell the GP, thanks :-)

joannec123 profile image
joannec123 in reply to joannec123

The family history is my mu, two Aunts, 2 of my cousins, and three of my mums cousins all had overactive, even though my mum was originally treated for under and was given too much thyroxine resulting in a heartbeat of 180! and nearly had a stroke, she has suffered dizziness all her life since. awful. they said it must be under to my mum coz she was a little overweight and never lost any weight....

Muffy profile image

Did you mean hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.

joannec123 profile image
joannec123 in reply to Muffy


shaws profile image

This is a link and I think you will find the information interesting. It's a pity GP's are unaware of clinical symptoms as before the thyroid gland blood tests were invented, we were medicated according to symptoms.

joannec123 profile image
joannec123 in reply to shaws

thank you, very interesting, what is odd is my TSH was 2.8 so that would be nearer the hypo, but all my symptoms point to hyper?? x

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK

You can become hyper if your pituitary pushes out too much TSH.

A combination of high thyroid hormones and high TSH could indicate two issues: TSHoma or Resistance to Thyroid Hormone.

Much information, hard to read but solid, here:

A TSHoma is a pituitary tumour which results in too much TSH being produced.

Even if that link is too heavy for you, it is worth making sure that you get it printed and handed over to your doctor(s).


joannec123 profile image

Thanks, Also, saw a diff GP today. I asked is she could get my T3 and T4 done, she said she will try as the lab don't like to do them unless your TSH is abnormal! but she is gonna try - its all down to COST she said. terrible. I asked if there was another BT she thought I may need ie antibodies and B12 (as suggested on this site) and she said, YES, I will do , I'm so chuffed she took me seriously and listened!! I gave her my list of symptoms too this time and ranted on about the 8 females in the family with it. I didn't ask for a printout of my bloods as thought id see what happens first with this. she took my blood there and then which was good of her too.

Stourie profile image
Stourie in reply to joannec123

Hi Joanne a lot of hypo and hyper symptoms are similar and just because all of your relations have hyper doesn't mean that you are the same. Hope this helps.

Jo xx

joannec123 profile image
joannec123 in reply to Stourie

Thanks, yes, I guess I could have either, waiting on the bloods now... What have you got? x

Stourie profile image
Stourie in reply to joannec123

Hi I am hypo and on t3 only and doing alright. I wouldn't say 100% but pretty close since I started taking a vitB complex and vitD . I hope you get yourself sorted.

Jo xx

joannec123 profile image

Hi, just to let you know, that I went back to my GP again on Friday and even though all my Bloods were "In Range" including the TSH, T4 and T3 (which I asked if she would do last time) She was really good and said "But, your T3 and T4 are borderline - I can't remember no's but im getting a printout on Monday of it so will repost them.

So, she said considering I have all the symptoms and strong family history she has started me on a low dose (25mcg) of Thyroxine (im hypo) to see if it helps! I feel so happy (that sounds crazy in know) im lucky she has listened to me though. So started them yesterday. I was surprised im borderline Hypo and not hyper, but then again some symptoms are similar as you said. Just really hoping they help. She said it can take up to six weeks for them to begin working ?!

Thanks for getting me to persist with this and for all of your info, this site is really helpful :-) It bviously makes a huge difference who you see!! At the end of the day - we know our own bodies!! x

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