are they safe to take with levothyroxine
i have a bad hidradenitis flare up under left armpit and the pain is horrendous
ive had a dr tell me a few weeks ago i didnt need levothyroxine and to stop taking but after giving my tsh level here and being told my levels were high i continued to take, ive even had a repreat scrip signed
now i know im going to get the 3rd degree today if i see the nurse (who told me this page knows nothing as your not dr's and know nothing and that the dr who told me to stop knew what she was talking about) is going to give me antibiotics and tell me i cant take with thyroxine
i dont think its infected but looking quite feirce (ive had an infection before and literally watched the redness spread down my arm over a couple of hours)
please help.........i may just try the heat ect today to get it to burst and go to walk in tomorrow where i canb tell them what i can and cant take