So my husband went for his annual health check today, one of the perks of his job. I sent him armed with a list of tests he should make sure were included; after all, if we know what our levels are when we are well, then it makes it much easier for us to know when we are actually ill, doesn't it? And yes, he does think I'm mental but he humours me, bless him.
So the list was TSH (he's had this the past 2 years and has always been midway between 1 and 2), B12, folate, iron, ferritin and vit D. I should point out his mother is hypo, her father had type 1 diabetes, and my husband does have rosacea (for which he periodically takes tetracycline, an antibiotic known to deplete certain vits and minerals). Other than that he's disgustingly healthy and reasonably fit.
So, he has the medical and gives the doc the list of extra tests. She practically laughed in his face, "why would you want these done? They have absolutely no relevance to you." And my favourite comment: "men don't get thyroid problems." Any men out there who would like to comment on that one? Answers on a postcard please!!!
Anyway she did order them, since he was paying of course, and sent him on his way with the rather uninspiring advice of "eat breakfast and drink a bit less alcohol." Nice.
I thought the idea of an annual health screen was actually to, well, screen?