I've just had my 'normal - no further action' results back for ferritin and B12 - 'normal' only according to GP. Both are right at the bottom of the range and GP says all is fine even though I have been experiencing symptoms of both being low.
Every couple of years I get very low on ferritin stores and have to go on iron tablets. This has happened yet again so I've asked for supplementation. The GP took A LOT of persuading but finally agreed to give me 2 months supply of Iron tabs and B12 tabs. I told him that I've been taking B12 sublingually for 1 year now but my level has dropped still.
He really doesn't see it as a problem. I don't know what else to do. If I could do my own bloodtests I would treat myself but don't want to overtreat and so want the blood tests to check how I'm doing, so need his backing.
I've explained about hypoT people needing to be higher in the range and that with these two things being low it means my adrenals won't work properly. Get them working and I may sleep again and start to grow hair again or at least lose no more. My nails might not peel and my skin might be something resembling a human and not a lizard.
I have put off approaching the GP about this for months even though I was starting to feel the (now well recognised to me) effects of low iron because I knew what a fight I'd have on my hands. TSH - 0.3 (0.4-5.5), FT4 - 22.1 (11.5-22.7) and FT3 - 4.7 (3.5-6.5) I feel best when my TSH is 0.05 but thought that's another fight and if I can get B12 and ferritin sorted out then I may feel better without taking more thyroxine, which I believe contributes to hair loss, although I now see that this symptom has been removed from the leaflet in the levo box.
Rant over - thank you for reading. Does anyone have any ideas how to make sure I absorb the B12?
Many thanks