New symptoms: I've had IBS for 10 years on and... - IBS Network

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New symptoms

Hazel260uk profile image
17 Replies

I've had IBS for 10 years on and off but I have been suffering from symptoms EVERY DAY for 4 months now. First it was the bloating and constipation as usual after a curry and now that's all clear, I have pains in my higher abdomen underneath my ribs. I feels almost like a stitch or as if someone is sitting on my stomach. My doctor thinks it's still linked to IBS and wouldn't do any tests. I'm worried this time is something else.... Has anyone felt something similar?

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Hazel260uk profile image
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17 Replies
mrsdavies profile image

Thats one of my main problems too Hazel. I'm a smoker so getting any pain in that area, I tend to put down to too many cigs! I get mine in short, sharp burst that can leave my riving in agony. Have you tried a hot water bottle to try & help the pain? Use mine & within seconds I feel great. Downfall being it only stops when using the hot water bottle ;-(

Hazel260uk profile image

I'll defo try that. Thanks :)

hazelwh profile image

I have had similar symptoms. This time my intense IBS lasted 10 weeks, but, after three months, I am still having some problems. Can't eat any butter, oil, no coffee, tea, chocolate, etc. This is the longest it has ever lasted for me.

Hazel260uk profile image

So neither of you experience bloating, constipation or diarrhoea? Just the pain, right?

kiwimiwi profile image

Which side is the pain on? Upper left side suggests something to do with the stomach and upper right suggests the duodenum. I say this because I had pains on the upper right for a long time and my previous GP kept saying it was simply down to my IBS, bloating and whatnot. I asked to change to another GP who understood IBS better and she referred me to a specialist at hospital. After an endoscopy, it turned out I had a duodenal ulcer and a defect. This is rare; I also have major acid problems that contributed to it and my intention is not to scare you at all as it is unlikely to be the same issue you have. My point is that anything you feel is not right in your body needs to be checked out properly, even if it just means being seen by another doctor or hospital specialist. Only you know what is 'normal' for you!

Hazel260uk profile image

Thank you kiwimiwi. You're right, I can feel it's not IBS. I'm going to register with a new doctor this afternoon. My pain is upper right and I don't have acid problem though. I saw 2 Osteopaths and they both think my diaphragm is closed up. Maybe that's what it is but I also want proper medical advice. Does endoscopy hurt?

kiwimiwi profile image
kiwimiwi in reply to Hazel260uk

As clydelaird said, it doesn't hurt! Also, you are normally given the option for sedation which relaxes you. When I've been sedated, I remember very little about the procedure! :)

clydelaird profile image

hi hazel260uk no endoscopy does'nt hurt just relax when getting it done

Hazel260uk profile image

Oh that's reassuring. Thank you :)

bobz20 profile image

i get that an i had tests done :( it is in my case down to ibs but i literally get all the symptoms its horrible .. i even get that sort of stitch pain on my right side lower abdomen. its really horrible :(

justfedup profile image
justfedup in reply to bobz20

i get bad stitch pain right side too Doc says IBS ,because all other tests are clear.I have done fod map no change,I try not to eat much at all its easier .My daughter found a site about ICV syndrome. Ileoceacal valve.Wow please look it up the symptoms are so similar to IBS but Dr.hardly aknowledge it .Im off to my Dr on Monday,the symptoms described are me.I have tried eliminating so many foods for IBS,but had no improvement at all .The intense pain I get is always on my right side,and if it is ICV,taking endless tablets for miss diagnosed IBS ,will just make matters worse.

Extremelygrumpy profile image

I am in grips of a major flare up first for nearly 10 years. Been totally stressed so I know the cause... But I have alternate cramps then diahorrea then constipation totally bloated with a pain running under my right ribcage along my gallbladder scar.. Am off to gps to see what I can do as haven't used any meds for years... Totally know how you feel the ribcage pain is new to me but last attack I had was years ago before I had my gallbladder out so wonder if my scar is just irritated by the bloating.

Extremelygrumpy profile image

I am in grips of a major flare up first for nearly 10 years. Been totally stressed so I know the cause... But I have alternate cramps then diahorrea then constipation totally bloated with a pain running under my right ribcage along my gallbladder scar.. Am off to gps to see what I can do as haven't used any meds for years... Totally know how you feel the ribcage pain is new to me but last attack I had was years ago before I had my gallbladder out so wonder if my scar is just irritated by the bloating.

Chaobaby7 profile image

with my IBS I swing for diahorrea ( maybe up to 8 times a day sat on the damn loo) and constipation never mind how much fruit and veg and water I take. Then there's the pain and the bloating and the wind down below and upper stomach area. There are some foods I have to just avoid such as onions and lentils and too much processed food and white flour. I have acid reflux too.

want2Bhealthy profile image

I've been reading about hepatic flexure and splenic flexure syndromes (see links below). I don't have a diagnoses of IBS, but I do have a slower digestive system this past year and a hiatal hernia. I think the hernia contributes to me getting air in my system which, along with the slower digestion, contributes to the problems with the large intestine (colon). I get pain under the ribs much as you described, hazel260uk, which can also go lower and sometimes even brief spasms near my belly button (which fits with the shape of the large intestine in the body), and the pain also often radiates into my back between the base-of-the-ribs to waist levels. My doc agreed with me today that these 2 flexure syndromes seem a logical possibility for my issues. We still have to test it out to be sure, but maybe it's worth some of you looking into it as well? Here are a couple of links with a bit more info, in case it helps anyone....

Jenjenny profile image

Hiya hazel260uk I have the just the same as you have described love. It's like there is something constantly stuck under your rib cage. I also keep have been back to my Doctor's asking if it may be something else and was also told it's IBS .

Queeny54 profile image


It may well be IBS. I have had similar problems and conv faced myself that I had etching serious wrong with me that was not ibs. Is the pain constant or intermittent? Are you belching a lot and do you have an anxious disposition? If so it may be that you are an air swallower. I posted recently - saturday I think info on a book by Prof John Hunter who explains this all different types of IBS, how symptoms manifest and how to determine what type of IBS you have. If tests rule out any other underlying problems such as an ulcer of hiatus hernia you may be one of many people who unknowingly are breathing incorrectly and swallowing air which causes a lot of pain and discomfort and also acid reflux. If you need any more information on the book let me know.

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