new symptoms.. : Hi guys! So I've had IBS... - IBS Network

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new symptoms..

helen1992x profile image
27 Replies

Hi guys! So I've had IBS symptoms for a few years now, usually the same sort of ones (cramps, bloating, fluctuating C&D, nausea..) but recently I've started having more intense lower abdominal cramps and then I come over really lightheaded and my blood pressure dips and my pulse rate goes erratic. Is this something other people have had happen?? I had some bloods taken on Wednesday evening because I collapsed at work in the morning, which was completely out of the blue, and awaiting the results but I was just concerned as this is something completely new for me! Thanks x

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helen1992x profile image
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27 Replies
Eliana5 profile image

Hi, yes, I too have this. Mine is a bit embarrasing. Yesterday, I was sitting at the picnic table. I am going through a period of severe constipation, and lost my balance standing up in front of people getting up in front of picnic table. Someone had to catch me, or I would have fallen and hit my head. I just laughed it off..but I am frightened, as mine has happened more and more. When I go to Dr's offices, they get concerned, because my blood pressure is very low..very rare anymore will it read "normal". I think mine might be attributed because I just had a Gastroenterologist tell me I had an enlarged spleen. What other tests besides blood tests have you had done? Feeling dizzy or passing out may be caused by things other than IBS such as vertigo, inner ear infection. Doctor's and Gastroenterologist seem quick to dismiss us, it's all very frustrating and you feel alone in all this. I know I do. I am losing my balance more and more, sometimes, I use a laxative once a week at the recommended dose (Senna, as that is the only thing that works for me). And although I try to drink alot of powerade, I feel dizzy that whole day, weak, nauseas, lightheaded. With laxative, you can get episodes of diarrhea, since they "clean you out" and that can cause electrolyte imbalances. There are magnesium supplements, or potassium supplements that you could take you may be difficient on. But I'm sure that would show up on blood work? Or low on iron? Anemia can cause dizziness or low blood pressure/lightheadedness as well. I would ask them to go over your electrolyte levels on your blood tests, such as Vitamin D, etc. You may need a good B complex multivitamin. Do you have thyroid issues? A underactive or overactive thyroid can cause dizzy spells. Have you had a TSH test done (blood test for thyroid) if it is overactive or uncreative they will most likely put you on medication. I would definitely see a ear, nose and throat Doctor to rule anything out. IBS can also aggravate anxiety which can cause heart palpitations, erratic heartbeat. I eat alot of almonds, which are great for this (anxiety) and garlic supplements which are good for IBS and anxiety. Make sure to get aged garlic supplements. Kyokec is a good brand you can buy online. Magnesium is also great for blood pressure and relaxation/stress, etc. We sometimes don't get enough of these minerals in our diet. Also a lower bowel exam (sigmoidscopy), barium swallow, or Colonoscopy, SIBO tests can rule any tests for parasites, etc.

Many people try to follow the FODMAP diet, I should, but don't. It could be something you are eating as well, a drug interactions (such as mixing herbs and medications). Make sure not to let Gastroenterologist or Colon and Rectal Surgeon "dismiss" you..get 2nd or 3rd opinions. To find the right one. Good tests are the key. Hope this helps.

helen1992x profile image
helen1992x in reply to Eliana5

Thanks for replying Eliana!

Oh no! Thing is, it is really frightening isn't it because if someone isn't there to catch you, then you could really hurt yourself! Thankfully I was doing a coil insertion with a GP so she was there and saw the whole thing. I had blood tests to check FBC, U&E's, thyroid, hba1c and LFT's as my mum had graves disease, causing hyperthyroidism and my dad, brother and sister all have type 1 diabetes. Hopefully something shows up, it was just so out of the blue. I'm used to dizzy spells if I get up too quickly. I get the black cloud, have to bend my head right down then it usually passes but Wednesday was just horrible. I went grey, dripping with sweat and I really started to panic that I was going to pass out. Yeah I am taking daily movicol sachet which did cause me to go to the toilet A LOT on Wednesday after it happened so maybe related to that? Thing is, I need to take it otherwise I end up completely constipated which is horrendous :(

Ah I didn't know that about almonds and garlic supplements. I will have a look in Holland and barretts on my lunch break! I had a colonoscopy in 2014, they wouldn't repeat it because of my age. I have just come back from holiday where I had the symptoms, with really bad nausea and diarrhoea so not sure if it's anything to do with that! I am hoping the consultant I am seeing next month, won't fob me off or not listen to me! I am under a different hospital than the last time so I am hoping they do better! Just so frustrating when you don't have any clear answers! x

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to helen1992x

Please keep us posted. It might have been the Movicol (I think it's called "Miralax in U.S.). Yes, if you are having lots of loose stools, it's hard to eat, and can lead to dehydration, with potassium, salt and magnesium loss. Once, I was so dizzy had to go to hospital ER for fluid replacement, through an IV. Do you take any meds that might cause low blood pressure? Does it get worse any specific time of day? I know it can be scary..I hope you will keep us posted.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to helen1992x

I forgot to mention, I used to take Miralax (Movicol) everyday, but had to stop due too many side effects and knowing I had to depend on a laxative everyday. I know you don't *have* to have a bm every day. You may try the Movicol every other day, or lower the dosage from the 17grams. Alot of people do that. Have you tried a Fiber laxative like Psyllum Husk, (Metamucil), Citrucel, or Benefiber? There are also medications you can get prescibed to help you have a bowel movenent, which are not laxatives like Linzess, or Amitiza. I hope you feel better soon.

Eastbourne11 profile image
Eastbourne11 in reply to Eliana5

Hi Eliana5 just read your comforting note to Helena1922x. I follow the low FODMAP diet very stricktly and I have not had a flare up in 3 months. It has changed my life, i think is only helps with IBS D. Good luck to you both.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to Eastbourne11

Thank you. Glad to hear something is working..👍☺. Gives me hope.

helen1992x profile image

I take mirtazapine 45mg and lamotrigine 50mg, been on them for over a year though: the lamotrigine can cause dizzy spells :/ yeah i think i worry about it and if i go 2 days without going, i get so uncomfortable. my lower stomach will bloat really bad and i will get awful pains :( i am kind of stuck on the movicol, i tried different diets and changing what i eat and i drink 2 litres of water a day minimum and it makes no difference. i buy my movicol from the pharmacy because i’m too ashamed to go to the GP about it. Last time I went, they did a rectal examination before they would prescribe anything and I don’t want that again :( x

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to helen1992x

I'm also on Remeron (Mirtazapine, 45mg at bedtime) been on it since 1995. Also on Wellbutrin XL 300, Topamax, Busphar, Klonopin, Hydroxyzine for insomnia, and anxiety at bedtime. All very constipating. Along with statins, etc..more constipation. Seems older I get, Sphincter muscle gets weaker is what gastro told me and our colon and digestion slows down. I'm 56, and can't eat like I used to when I was in my 20's, 30's and 40's. No more Taco Bell, Pizza, French Fries. Just bland foods. Frustrating. Please don't be ashamed. 42 million People suffer from this..

helen1992x profile image
helen1992x in reply to Eliana5

Bloody hell, that’s a lot of meds! I thought 2 was enough a day! I wanted to stop but my doctor and psychiatrist weren’t keen on the idea. Are you in America? If my bowels are this bad at 25, god knows what I will be like in 25 more years time? :( x

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to helen1992x

Yes, I did not want to go on Psychiatric meds when I was in my 20's. I suffered for a very long time with a lot of diagnosis for 20 years..maybe longer. I was finally hospitalized in 1995, knew I had to take it seriously, and was put on a "cocktail" of meds. Sometimes just one or two meds is not enough when you have BPD, MDD, insomnia, anxiety, etc..yes, when you get may be on more meds..out bodies just wear out unfortunately..

Eastbourne11 profile image

Please don't feel ashamed of going to the doctors. They are public servants paid a lot of money to look after us. Tell them what you want. Most doctors know NOTHING of IBS. I have found more information on internet ( not NHS) sites, than I have ever got from my GP. I think I am lucky to have read on this forum about low FODMAP diet, but I feel it only works for IBS D.

helen1992x profile image
helen1992x in reply to Eastbourne11

Hi Eastbourne11, thank you for your reply! Yeah I just feel awkward going to the doctors (I suffer with bipolar affective disorder so I worry they’ll think it’s just down to one of my maniac episodes) and they’ll just dismiss my symptoms because of that. I did have a GP who always blamed anxiety for everything I had going on like ‘Of course I am anxious I feel so crap!!’ I will have a look into the FODMAP diet, hopefully it’ll help with my IBS C xx

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to helen1992x

Same here, but mine is anxiety, major depressive disorder, Borderline, Panic. Edema, Gout, it never ends. Take lots of meds. All very constipating. I try to stay away from iron supplements. Doctor tried to put me on them once. They are the most constipating of all, right behind pain meds, muscle relaxers, and NSAIDS.

helen1992x profile image
helen1992x in reply to Eliana5

I think my IBS isn’t made any better from the meds I take too :( but need to take them to keep me stable. It’s a catch 22 situation! Thankfully I don't take any pain meds like codeine or naproxen which are awful for abdo pains and constipation :( x

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to helen1992x

I just replied..not sure if it went through? You may have to scroll down..

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to helen1992x

I went off prescribed pain meds due to constipation, over a year ago cold turkey, and wish I hadn't. It messed up my Digestive system or put it into shock or something. I used to be able to eat anything while on pain ibs, no cramping. Soon as I went off of them, I became even more constipated, lost over 100 pounds, now I am severely underweight and frightened. I can't eat anything, even small meals without cramping, even with Bentyl or Levsin. Should have just stayed in pain meds, because my life has gone downhill. Have no social life, and my friends have given up on me. This is no way to live.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to helen1992x

Helen, have you tried Magnesium Glycinate supplements or citrate supplements? Both I heard are great for IBS-C. Just make sure to take no more than 320mg per day, if supplementing for regularity or it will give you laxative effect. The magnesium oxide is poorly absorbed so the Glycinate or Citrate capsules are best, they even have them in chewable. Also read some great reviews on Kyokec aged Garlic supplements for IBS.

helen1992x profile image
helen1992x in reply to Eliana5

Hi Eliana! Where would I get magnesium glycinate supplements? They’re not something I have heard of before! It sucks you’ve lost so much weight! You’d think they would take you more seriously with weight loss likethat. I lost 2 and a half stone so I became underweight and the doctors couldn’t care less :( x

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to helen1992x

Hi Helen,

I got them online on Amazon. Just type in under search "Magnesium Glycinate" or you can have your pharmacy order them for you. It's hard to find them in a grocery store..but they may be available at a health food store.

helen1992x profile image
helen1992x in reply to Eliana5

Hi Eliana! Ah fab I’ll take a look now :) x

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to helen1992x

Let me know if they work for you..☺

Eastbourne11 profile image

Hi Helen1992x i am sorry yòu are suffering, but I have read the Low FODMAP book and I do not think it will help IBS C. I will take another look at it tonight and see if it mentions constipation. I must say doctors should be able to see the diffrence between someone being "hyper" and someone being anxous!!! Keep at it girl - we will win in the end. Good luck.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to Eastbourne11

I looked at it too, tried it..didn't help me..I have severe IBS-C. Heard some great things about Kyolec aged Garlic Supplements for people with chronic and severe constipation and IBS. Saw some great reviews as well. Willing to try anything at this point. You can get them online or health food store. Not expensive. Heard they really work. No garlic breath or odor aftertaste. Some people even eat garlic cloves. But would rather try the supplements. If that doesn't work, may try Magnesium Glycinate or Citrate Supplements. Heard both are good for anxiety, insomnia, constipation.

helen1992x profile image
helen1992x in reply to Eastbourne11

Thanks for the reply Eastbourne11 - any news if it’s any good for IBS C? I don’t want to make it worse! :( I heard too much fruit can you make you worse and lots of fibre too! Yeah you would think they would be able to differentiate between my hyper mania states and anxiety from my symptoms ruining my life! Unfortunately GPs don’t know much about complex mental health illness’s :( x

Eastbourne11 profile image

Hi Helen1992x sorry I mislaid your address. I did lookat the book and got nothing conclusive from it. What I do know is - I have IBS D and the FODMAP diet makes me constipated! So if you went on it, you would be worse. Not good news. Have you tried a teaspoon full of bran? Just the ordinary stuff from Holland and Barrett. It is very cheap. If no difference after 2 days crease to two spoons then three. Bran fibre is supposed to help the colon. And I thought fruit had fibre in it as well, so they should be good. Do not dispair, there is an answer out there, it's just not been found yet. Did you know there is a test now for IBS called IBSchek. Get your dr to give you one. You can always change your doctor if you feel you are not getting the attention you need. (I know that is a lot of trouble) Too often they want to get you out of the room as quickly as possible. They earn about £150,000 nowadays - that's for the ordinary worker the doctors who own the surgery get a great deal more. So I think the least they can do is listen to you. Good luck. June

helen1992x profile image

Hi June - that’s okay, thanks for checking for me anyway! I had a suspicion it didn’t apply for someone who has constipation. Oh really? I am going to go holland and barrett to have a look through their stuff. I think I just have a slow moving bowel so by the time it gets through, all the water has been absorbed so it’s rock hard :( Oh really? Never heard of IBSchek before. I’m seeing my GP for a follow up tomorrow so will ask him about it. I’m just so fed up of medicating myself up just so I can go to the loo. Yeah it’s really awful the amount they get paid and yet our appointment times are becoming less and less :( x

Eliana5 profile image

I have the same problem, the only answer I got was "enlarged spleen" and need to have upper GI tests done along with lower Abdominal follow through. The lower Abdominal follow through May get to the core of what might be going on. This may take up to 4-6 hours, because they watch the movement of your intestines, even when you go to the bathroom, while you drink a fruit flavored liquid, and they take x-rays. This may help explain why the lower abdominal pains are getting worse. I am nervous about mine and also the Hematologist appointment. I hope we both get to feeling better. ☺

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