Magnesium : Hi Does anyone take Magnesium... - IBS Network

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Misspomfrey profile image
13 Replies


Does anyone take Magnesium Supplements? I've been taking one on and off for years but I'm always worrying that I might be taking it unnecessarily. My blood results recently showed normal for Magnesium but I had been taking a supplement at the time and prior to the bloods being taken. I know people with IBS don't absorb it as good so that's why I take it. I eat various seeds, like Pumpkin , Sunflower, Sesame, Chia, Walnuts, Hemp, Oats, Fresh Fruit including Banana, all daily, in small amounts of course, which are known to have magnesium in.

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Misspomfrey profile image
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13 Replies
Luisa22 profile image

The RDA of Magnesium is supposed to be 360mg and that is for an adult over 60 (sorry I only wrote down The +60 RDA'S, and have that in my notebook in front of me at the mo.)

That's just the recommended average amount, not the optimal amount of course..

But we have to bear in mind that the mineral contents of all foods depends on the mineral content of the soils where they are grown. I have heard it said that the soils where food is grown is not as rich as it was in the past.

And then bear in mind what you say about people with IBS not even absorbing Magnesium that well.

I have found that Magnesium Glycinate suits me best as I have IBS-D predominantly and the glycinate version doesn't cause loose stool. I don't take it all the time though, but do when I feel I need a boost.

I sometimes get muscle cramps in my legs which can be a sign of Magnesium deficiency even though fortunately I am able to eat many foods which are supposed to contain it. Low Magnesium can also cause sleep problems.(staying asleep, falling asleep) I take it if I start to wake up too early on a regular basis.

Magnesium Citrate or another form might be better for someone with IBS-C.

Misspomfrey profile image
Misspomfrey in reply to Luisa22

Yes, I understand what you say, I don't think the soil is as good nowerdays as it was in the past. I have IBS C and D and it's all about getting a balance really. I normally take the Healthspan Opti Magnesium which is Citrate and Malate which didn't seem to cause any problems. I recently got a new brand though which is just Citrate and found it made me go to the toilet too much. I just don't want to take too much of anything but feel I might need Magnesium from time to time. So, the 360mg is just for the supplement then and not with food combined? The one I was taking was less than 200 mg in one tablet but there's some in my multivitamin too about 125 mg so I thought on top of all the seeds I eat I might be getting too much.

I never know what is the best time to take it either, I was taking it in the evening to try and make me sleep.

Thanks for your reply

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply to Misspomfrey

I have heard the best time to take Magnesium is in the evening, yes.

I can imagine Citrate would act as a laxative. It might be helpful for someone with bad constipation, but the dosage of that type may need to be less than recommended to not cause too-loose stools. (for instance, I think Magnesium is used in colonoscopy prep!)

360mg is the daily RDA recommended daily amount for someone over 60 (that is from my list and like I said, I got it for over 60s because I am 70 ) So it might be different for men and women...different for other age groups.

I'm not a doctor or nutritionist so it might be wise to get a professional opinion, but I would think that a small amount above the RDA should be okay. RDAs are usually the basic amount needed. You don't want to get way too much of it and overdo it, as it has relationships with other things in the body such as calcium etc.

And yes, the daily amount would include what's in the multivitamin, the Magnesium supplement itself, and any from food.

You might like to read this:

Their numbers are slightly confusing to me as a source I found a couple of years ago said 360mg daily for "older people" (women I think) But in the above they are saying the upper limit is 350mg for "19+years". They don't mention any older age groups.

Also what could be confusing for IBS sufferers is that some OD effects (from supplements rather than foods) could easily be mistaken for an IBS flare up!!

Misspomfrey profile image
Misspomfrey in reply to Luisa22

Hi luisa

The fact sheet is interesting. I think, without getting too technical, the upper tolerable levels of magnesium is 350mg supplements and I understood from the fact sheet that this doesn't include what's in food, although I'm never quite 100% sure of this. Most supplements are usually around 350mg. It's recommended that we get our magnesium from our food, that's the healthiest way and going by what's in the list of foods that contain it, we should all be getting an adequate amount each day. The interesting thing is this, it's almost impossible to overdose on magnesium intake through foods, but easy to overdose through supplements. The kidneys release any that the body doesn't need, but I imagine this isn't too good for the kidneys. If we don't get enough magnesium through foods one day for example, then the kidneys limit what is excreted so as to retain it in the body. This may explain why we pass water more frequently at times than other times.

Thinking about this now, I was taking magnesium daily for about 4 years as a supplement and for all of that time I'd had foamy urine for part of the day before it went clear. I worried about this but blood results showed that my kidneys are normal for my age. So I'm putting this down to magnesium excretion or, and perhaps other vitamins my body doesn't need because since stopping my magnesium supplement 4 or 5 weeks ago, the foamy urine has ceased and I am only seeing it occasionally.

Studying the fact sheet foods list I seem to be including quite a lot of foods on the list in my daily diet, which contain magnesium and therefore, I probably don't need to take a supplement. There's a bit in my multivitamin so I think for now, I won't take any more and see how I go. To sum up, it might be better to just take a supplement periodically if we think we are lacking or if advised.

Take care

Pollyboo profile image
Pollyboo in reply to Luisa22

Hi Luisa, interesting about the Magnesium, I suffer from leg cramps and also restless legs along with the other IBS joys we live with.Sorry that sounds a bit negative this morning. I have just taken myself off of Amitriptyline, when I realized that it can make restless legs worse, found I was walking round my bungalow all evening as I couldn't keep my legs still after 9pm. I had been trying Amitriptyline for 5mths but really was it helping my IBS? no not really.

I do take vitd as I take a sachet of Cholestyramine every day since my gallbladder operation. Not having a gallbladder is not helpful when you have loose tummy.

Thanks for reading I will look into the Magnesium glicinate, can I ask what brand you find the best, do you take it every day and can you take too much?

Thank you for reading Luisa, I do seem a bit negative, but sometimes we just feel we have tried so much and nothing really helps. On a positive note though I am really glad I don't take the Amitriptyline anymore, I am not one for taking medication unless I really have too.

Take care Luisa and I hope you are havind a good tummy day


Sheeniejay profile image

I take magnesium topically, in a gel or oil, and I've always had normal Mg levels. I don't take the whole RDA in each application but I use it as a supplement to my diet. It avoids the intestines so might be better suited for you.

Misspomfrey profile image
Misspomfrey in reply to Sheeniejay

Uhmmm 🤔 I've never thought of doing that. Do you just use the gel anywhere?

Sheeniejay profile image

I guess you could but you need to leave it on for at least 20 mins before you wash it off so I put on a T-shirt and put a large amount on stomach and back, often on my calves too and then sit and read the paper or watch the breakfast news for 30+ mins, then have my regular morning shower. Put a towel on the sofa/chair too just to be sure you don't get oil on furniture. It's really easy to fit it into your routine, I think. Try a small bottle and see how you get on. It will dry your skin a bit and it might tingle at first but the tingling is a sign, I've read, that you are low on Mg. I don't get the tingling anymore.

Misspomfrey profile image
Misspomfrey in reply to Sheeniejay

Thanks, I'll give it some thought

JanetJAM profile image

Hi I take magnesium 2 tablets 1 morning and one at night. I was getting a lot of leg cramps and asked in Boots and they suggested them my leg cramps are much better I didn’t realise there were different types my bottle just says magnesium 375mg 2 a day.

Sparrow58 profile image

I have RLS and was advised to try Magnesium. But like many of us I do not like taking tablets that may upset my stomach. So I got some body lotion to massage into my calves. The lotion I use also has lavender in it to help you sleep and this seems to really help. It is made by a company called Better for you. I get mine through Amazon although I did get it from Holland and Barrett first off as the lady in there was very helpful and suggested it.

Misspomfrey profile image
Misspomfrey in reply to Sparrow58

Is it called Better You Magnesium Sleep ?

Sparrow58 profile image

Yes that's the one x

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