It's been 2 month's (knock on wood) since I had a really server bowel pain from my ibs c. I'm taking a multivitamin without iron, iron will just make things worse trust me. But this multivitamin has magnesium in it which seems like that top of polyethylene glycol and the low fod map diet helps with pain and bpwel movements with ibs c. I wouldnt eat sweets or chocolate for it can make pain from bloating worse. I'll update at a once I know more.
HAPPY DAYS, and rainbows: It's been 2 month's... - IBS Network
HAPPY DAYS, and rainbows

Thanks Alphane, are you doing FODMAP under supervision?
How are you getting on with it? Xx
What do you mean by supervision? I did go to see a dietition about thelow/high Fod map diet. Getting on with what?
I just wondered if you were trying FODMAP under the supervision of a dr or nutritional or if you were trying the FODMAP diet independently and how you were getting on with the diet.
Apologies if that wasn’t clear xx
Oh i see. No need to apologize, you got nothing to apologize for. But yes I was under supervision of a nutritionist that I seen once a month to talk about my diet and foods that I ate and how it affected me and what to do about it, it really did help alot, I'm not saying I never have pain or discomfort, and still wish I had linzess, helped so much to clear out my bowels and push waste out when my body couldn't, made bad days good days. But it's like 300 bucks a bottle over here that's like 24 or so dollers a pill. And my insurence won't pay for it no more, they couldn't care less that I'm in pain. But yea check out the format diet, and see a nutritionist about it too so they can explain it better for you, if you don't have insurence bewarned it's not cheap and it's by the hour. Also look into probiotics, I've heard alot bout probiotics on here but haven't tried it myself yet tho. Sorry for saying so much I know it's more than you bargened for.
Thanks Alphanes! glad you are starting to feel a bit better. We are very lucky that we have the NHS service so we don’t meed insurance.
I want to try probiotics/ too, I try and eat some gut healthy foods like sauerkraut and pickles.
Don’t apologise, it’s helpful to connect with people who have similar experiences
Apple cider vinager about a tsb will help with digestion and acid reflux problems, been taking it with a tsb of water to dilute it a bit for about 6 months now, haven't had to take any kind of Tums or acid reflux meds since then and now I only take the vinager ever few days or when I get burning in my tummy. Let me know if you do start up probiotics, I myself am still a bit skeptical about them. Also magnesium helps keep things moving too, take the pill not the liquid, it's better if it's in a multivitamin pill with no iron, iron will constipate you worse. Besides that men don't need iron supplements until where older. Hot baths helps sooth your bowels if your in pain, but once you get out it might start up again, also stress will cause problems too so try to be as stress free as possible. I don't know if your a tea person but peppermint and ginger tea, I know not very tasteful but they help too, just don't boil your water, but make sure it is hot, boiling destroys alot of the good things in tea. Try out linzess see how you like it but again beware you'll go from a dry dessert to Niagara falls in less than an hour or so. But hey if your backed up that's the pill that will get you out of pain and get things moving again majority of the times.
Thanks for all your advice Alphanes. I got some apple cider vinegar today so going to start taking tomorrow and will try magnesium too.
Let me know what you think of the vinager, give it 2 or so weeks, it's going to burn a little in your tummy but it passes within a few seconds. Make sure to rinse your teeth afterwards, it is a acidic after all. Also if you have a sour tummy one day don't take the vinager, it'll make it worse and make you feel nauseous. Make sure it's a magnesium multivitamin, don't do milk of magnesium it don't work. Also it's best taken before bed after your last meal, same with polyethylene glycol