I think I have worked out why some bottled water upsets my IBS (D) and some doesn't.
All mineral water has some natural bicarbonate. The waters that seem okay for me, I noticed have lower bicarb levels, and the ones that can upset me have much higher levels.
I also found out that sodium bicarbonate draws water into the GI tract, and one of the side effects of , for instance, drinking bicarb of soda (baking soda) is loose stools!
But that could also help constipation in the amounts bottled water contains.
I thought it might be the magnesium content that bothered my gut, but am not so sure now. Or it might be a combination of high magnesium AND bicarbonate?
So, I took a look at five bottled waters in UK: San Pellegrino, Buxton, Tesco Ashbeck, Highland Spring, and Aqua Pura.
(mg per litre)
San Pellegrino...Magnesium 49.5, Bicarbonate 244
Buxton....Magnesium 19, Bicarbonate 248
Tesco Ashbeck....Magnesium 2.5, Bicarbonate 25
Highland Spring....Magnesium 10.1, Bicarbonate 150
Aqua Pura....Magnesium 7, Bicarbonate 55.
I was led to checking those out because I'd noticed only two on that list really suited me, one was borderline...(i.e. looser bm's sometimes but not always), and the others loose bm's more frequently. I had wondered why
The ones that suit me best are the ones with lower bicarb. and magnesium.
I'd been drinking ONLY Aqua Pura for a couple of weeks, and had pretty normal bm's more than 80% of that time! Sadly for some reason I can't get it right now!! It's suddenly become rare as hen's teeth.
But those two ingredients/minerals might not be triggers for everyone.
There are loads more bottled waters I haven't checked. But it might be worth looking into and experimenting with if you have IBS-D.