Is it normal that a doctor just says you have IBS and sends you off with PPIs to take to see if it helps?
I began getting upper abdominal pain a year ago, and sometimes I don’t feel it for a couple of weeks and then it comes back. It’s not accompanied by anything else, I do suffer with constipation but really it’s mostly just upper abdominal pain/pressure and bloating/gas etc. It is sometimes relieved by eating, sometimes not. I do suffer with heartburn. I had a H Pylori and Coeliac test when the pain started but they were both all clear.
Currently can’t wear anything around my waist or stomach and sat with a hot water bottle, not really sure if this is normal or not. I don’t like the thought of just being told I have something and take this if it’s not that, if you understand? I also have Hashimotos which is auto immune thyroid disease. Because of this, I am not comfortable with taking PPIs if I don’t need them because of the effect on thyroxine absorption.
Any advice would be appreciated.