hi guys I’m suffering with severe chronic constipation every single day for 2 years now. My stool is soft . It just gets stuck and never comes out. Before you tell me to try laxatives or diets , I’ve tried it all and NOTHING works. No laxatives work at all . I use the bathroom probably once a month and other days throughout the week just a tiny bit will come but it’s never complete and it’s so little. My pain is in my rectum like it feels like it’s at the bottom of my anus ready to come out but it’s not. I don’t have an urge , it just sits there and never comes out only when it wants. I don’t have stomach pain or pain anywhere else, just pain in my lower back and rectum . I don’t know what to do. I can barely walk and I’m in so much pain. Only time I won’t be in pain is if I actually use the bathroom. Any ideas on what this could be? I’m suffering and this is not normal. Even if I squeeze nothin will come out.
is it ibs or something else: hi guys I’m... - IBS Network
is it ibs or something else

Has your colon transit time already been examined? Could be an underlying issue with the muscles and/or nerves in a particular part of your colon 🤔
nerves can trigger constipation? And this has been so hard for me I just always am so backed up in my rectum. I have no stomach pain just rectal pain due to being backed up
Please see a gastroenterologist for medical advice as we aren't medical professionals.
As I understand if your enteric nervous system and/or enteric muscles (nerves/muscles in the bowel wall) aren't working properly in a part of your digestive tract this can lead to constipation/pseudo-obstruction. Your bowel content won't be able to move through the small intestine and colon as it should because of the lack of proper contractions. I need to use bisacodyl 5 mg several times during the day to help this peristaltic process of my intestines. Besides I really have to mind what I eat. Definitely no fibres and a very low fat (about 30/40 grams daily intake).
Possibly sounds like your anal sphincter is faulty. My husband has the same issue. I have dreadful constipation due to slow transit and failed peristalsis. The nerves and muscles transporting bowel motions has completed failed. Only a stimulant laxatives helps me, diet good bad or indifferent makes no impact for me.
I have recently seen a bowel surgeon and he has referred me to the bio feedback service which I will be attending next week for help and bowel retraining. Otherwise its bowel irrigation or last resort stoma but there is things to try so as not to go down those routes.
Have you had a colonoscopy or any other bowel tests. Ask your medics for support. Best wishes.
Cant say about bowel retraining as its a fourteen week course and i havent started it until, next week. I am not confident about it though but will give it my best shot.
My bowel tends to rule my life as it is now reliant on laxatives, prescribed by my gastroenterologist. Its a functionsl issue for me not disease. I have to plan every trip around my bowel emptying sessions, its a real nuisance at best and infuriating and painful at worst.
what laxatives help you ? And how many times do you use the bathroom per month and are your stools hard or soft?
I use dulcolax stimulant laxative as my issue is lack of bowel motility so nothing else works for me. I dont need softeners as that isnt my issue.
I use it every five days. That makes it mor restrictive as if I use it once a week I am clear which day I take it and adjust my diary accordingly, ie Wednesday night take dulcolax, Thursday is a day to accommodate may be eight or nine bowel movement. Bringing it down to five days means I need to ensure I leave the following day clear as usual but its a different day each week. Not as convenient on the planning front.
Please see a medic to see what laxative or other treatment is best for you. My regime has always been in consultation with my gastroenterologist. Good luck with whatever helps you achieve a better bowel quality of life.
All I can do is take what comes with it. Dont always get pain sometimes I do and for me feeling sick is the worst part. I loath that all over feeling of being unwell from top of stomach to the bottom. It also often sends me into cardiac arrhythmia but I ensure I take in loads of fluids to try to offset that. Cardiac arrhythmia is a big ongoing problem for me.
Try fibogel with mebeverine . It's a bulk laxative with meds in for Ibs and keep taking . It really works for me. I have ibsc and at times I have this , but now take this before it gets so bad. I have also identified through fodmap foods tp avoid that cause.
I had the same issue. Was the treated for folite issue and the matter resolved. It came back and the doc said your thyroid is borderline. For the past 2 months I've been taking thyroxine and so far so good. Everythings normal.
hi Liv so sorry to hear you’re struggling so badly. It sounds like you could have slow transit constipation which I have also struggled with for many years and like you have tried every diet and laxative under the sun. I now take Dulcolax and Prucalopride plus Alflorex every day which help somewhat but still have bloating and pain with sporadic bowel movements mainly diarrhoea due to the laxatives. If you haven’t already ask your gp to refer you to gastroenterology for further investigation at least then you will have a definitive diagnosis wishing you the best of luck let us know how you get on
are the laxatives uv been using just stool softeners? U might need a stimulating laxative to get ur bowels moving again. They work differently to the stool softening laxative.
At last I seem to have dealt with the constant constipation,after trying diet changes and different laxatives without success I'm now taking I laxido every night at bedtime which so far(3 weeks) is working and without the awful stomach cramps I get with other laxatives and when I had been constipated for 4 or 5 days. In the past I gave up after a few days of nothing happening but because I was going away for 2 weeks was more determined to try and sort it out. I'm now going to the loo every day without pain or straining and feel "normal" for the first time in years😊give it a go as Laxido can be bought over the counter but do go to your GP for tests to rule out anything more sinister. Good luck
It could be a rectocele or rectal insussuception
Just an idea, I have found daily excercises in this area ie squeezing everything up tight and holding for a bit.Probably 10 times. I do it when driving.
I have found that I am much less bothered with my haemorrhoids from doing this regularly so it may be worth a try.
I think you need to talk to your GP ASAP!! Do you feel like you can't empty properly after opening your bowels? Is your stool thin like pencils? I'm not a doctor but it sounds like you have a blockage or obstruction in some part of your bowels. Your stool can get packed up to your small intestine. Have you had the COVID vaccine? Is it since then or before? The vaccine caused bowel changes in my father in law, sadly the news wasn't good. My nephew had his flu shot and three months later his stool was packed up to his small intestine, however he had also been vomiting. might be nothing to do with the vaccines, might be everything to do with it. No one sees the leaflet when they put it into your body so we'll never know. I think at the very least you need an x-ray to check to see if the stool thin s backed up, if nothing shows ask for a colonoscopy to check for any blockages. If it just suddenly started two years ago there might be a fixable reason. Take care
what has your doctor done to help?
my daughter has slow transit, formally diagnosed and would have all your symptoms but gastroenterologist prescribed medication and she is fine with this. Do get your transit times assessed if not done.
I don’t doubt your experience for a minute. If you don’t have effective muscle activity (resulting from peristalsis - the trigger chewing gives to the muscles down your entire alimentary system) then the food can only travel as a result of gravity which is simply not enough.
Also, you are unlikely to get feedback from these same muscles which cues you that your bowels are moving (which they are likely not to be) and thus don’t cue the bowels to open, or for you to ‘push’ to help the process.
So yes, it is painful and also may affect your health more generally as this is waste matter that should be moving out of the body not be held onto (to be clear you are NOT holding on to it, your system is not able to expel it).
You need to go to your GP and say you have tried every form of laxative but as soon as you don’t use any you cannot empty your bowel. Also roughage can be even more problematic as it bungs you up even more (fruit/veg smoothies are about the only roughage you might tolerate), you have been advised that you have slow transit, but you need this formally diagnosed, so please can you have a referral to a gastroenterologist.
If you get no for an answer, you need a full explanation why, and if the answer does not stack up (they want you to try more laxatives etc.) then you need a different GP or take yourself to A&E and explain that you are desperate - you don’t want laxatives or pain relief, you need to see a gastroenterologist to understand why you don’t have any normal bowel activity and you simply cannot go on living like this.
I don’t know where you live but in the UK you can see a gastroenterologist privately for one consultation and if they are good they will say you need a slow transit test and you simply say ‘I can’t afford it’ but they will write you a discharge letter and it will say what you need and you can take this to your GP as evidence of what is needed. So the cost is one consultation with a gastroenterologist privately (£100 - £200) Look up those that work at your local hospital and then see if any of them work privately. …I’m sure you will find one or two that do.
I do hope some of this is helpful. My daughter would be suffering just like you without her medication.
This may not actually be your problem, but something underpins your condition and someone needs to shed light on/help you.
All the very best.
You say you've tried every diet. What do you eat now? How much fat?
Same for me. Doctor put me on Linzess and it has been a miracle!
I'm really sorry to hear about your struggles with constipation. Since you've tried many common remedies without success, it sounds like it might be time to consult a specialist, such as a gastroenterologist. They can run specific tests to better understand your condition.
In the meantime, for maintaining cleanliness and comfort, consider using a gentle product like Flushubbles. It's a foam butt cleaner applied directly to toilet paper, providing a soft, soothing clean that might be easier on your sensitive area than regular wiping.
Definitely see a specialist to explore more targeted treatments. Best of luck, and I hope you find relief soon!