Silly Question: Would anybody know or have experience of how best to take Colestyramine (Cholestyramine in USA) for bile acid issues?
i.e. When to take is in relation to meals and snacks, including time after/before eating or whatever.
The patient info leaflet (PIL) only gives the warning about other drugs, so 1 hour min after other drugs before taking Colestyramine, and wait 4 to 5 hours (not sure why two options) after taking Colestyramine before getting back on other drugs.
In my case I'm taking it for suspect bile acid issues for an upset digestive system I've had since foolishly taking prophylactic antibiotics over a year ago now.
I've had some success with Colestyramine, but I'm not sure I'm taking it the best way. The GP has no information nor can give me a meaningful referral to date as best I understand (I will keep asking).
The only reference I can find is from Mayo clinic, which suggests for bile acid to take before meals but doesn't give a time interval before the meal:
Now Colestyramine (hint in the name) is an old fashioned Cholesterol medication, but as it absorbs bile in the gut you can take it for excess bile acid issues, as my suspect (but not confirmed) case. Confusingly I was also on statins for very high cholesterol (thought to be a polygenic case, note I'm a treated leukaemia patient probably with lots of mixed up genes). I have stopped taking statins whilst I take Colestyramine. The GP had not considered this potential overload at the initial prescription.
Previously I've taken Colestyramine with meals on the GP advice (Wrong I think) and got stopped after about 11 days with pain in the lower legs rendering me unable to walk. Note Colestyramine inhibits the uptake of vitamins A, D, E, K also folic acid, so I think it will be important when to take it and getting the dose right. I do eat spinach in sensible dose on a one week on, one week off basis (Watch out for Oxylate overloading . . . ) My GP generally does not provide vitamin testing now, I assume to avoid the deluge of "worried well" patients that would result. I will still ask though for a vitamin D test (I'm on the maximum RDA for that), once I can take the Colestyramine for long enough to be able to organise a blood test as part of GOV mandated annual health review.
In my current trial I'm taking Colestyramine just before meals (as per Mayo above) and now got up to 9 days. I've also seen a massage therapist to learn how best to massage my legs (good way to wake up in the morning but avoid jumping straight out of bed and resultant lower leg injuries).
Aside: I'm also trying taking Psyllium after meals (I learned about Psyllium from bad experience of prohylactic antibiotics with chemo many years ago. In that case it was 5 years of upset, and only sorted when I did the FODMAP diet)
One strange feature (as best I understand) is that bile returns from your gut back to the liver via the bloodstream. Bile issues can give unpleasant side effects including Pruritus and it seems it may be the excess bile in the bloodstream rather than the gut that is the cause of that. I have found low dose anti-histamines (e.g. Cetirizine 5mg avail as cheap generics) help with Pruritus.
P.S. Please remember there is no identified disease of "IBS" it just simply means in many cases your medical team hasn't yet diagnosed what is wrong with you (it's not easy), and/or you may simply be eating a bad diet. So please don't give up on trying to figure it all out, and if you can please join the IBS Network Charity for support and help as you need.
Best Wishes to all,