Hi All,
Apologies in advance if my post contains tmi
I'm hoping somebody can help me or give me some tips on what i'm doing wrong, for a considerable amount of time i've been having issues with my bowel movements, i pay a visit the toilet each morning but my stools are quite small, pencil thin and poorly formed, have the appearance of clay and stick to the toilet bowl quite a lot of the time, my diet is fairly healthy and consists of muesli for breakfast, wholemeal sandwiches/ a salad for lunch and meat with vegetables for my evening meal (broccoli,carrots etc)
I suffer with a little bit of bloating but this isn't very often, more an uncomfortable feeling throughout my body.
Don't know if this has any relevance to my case but from blood tests i don't seem to be absorbing my vitamins b12, d etc.
I've tried psyllium husk in the form of Lepicol and the American version called Metamucil and these help massively but can just stop working with no notice until i have a few days break and resume taking it.
Has anybody had any success with probiotics, other products or foods that could help?
Thank You for looking!