During a flare of IBS (D) , does anyone experience intermittent numbness of lower legs , this usually happens when the flare is bad , including severe lower abdominal pain , diarrhoea and extreme tiredness ! Have had all blood tests , colonoscopy ,and CT scan all normal! Would appreciate any replies thanks
numbness in lower legs : During a flare of IBS... - IBS Network
numbness in lower legs

I've noticed something similar when I sit on the toilet too long. Could it be that?
I too have the extreme fatigue. Is that after going for you? I believe it has something to do with the vaso-vagal response.
No, not lower legs, but I get numbness sometimes in the left groin area and top of thigh, Usually before a bowel movement in the morning when my lower back aches too, It goes away after the BM.
A flare up takes a lot of energy and is really draining, plus it can cause dehydration. The position while sitting on the toilet umpteen times may put some stress on the nerves in the lower back? Could be pressure on the back of the thighs while sitting like that too many times?
I don't know. My back aches when I am just over tired for a start, so a flare up makes it ache too and can sometimes cause some sciatica.
I have an almost permanent constipation dominant IBS flare. I've got so much nerve pain leading up to an on average fortnightly BM that my legs and feet go numb. My physio is sending me for a spinal MRI next week. Don't get me wrong, I will be reassured if it comes back clear but I almost wish they could diagnose SOMETHING as it'll be otherwise.attributed to 'just my Fibromyalgia. The level of sunburn pain throughout my upper body and down into my legs is off the charts sometimes. I would ask your GP if you can be referred for any scans to check there is nothing structural going on.
thanks for your reply will make an appointment with my GP
I posted recently that I have started to get an achy pain in my legs and sometimes my arms, I went to Gp who checked for DVT and pulled my legs about said it us not bones it is muscular, was told probably anxiety and to do breathing exercises. It is so annoying, I mentioned Fibromyalgia to my GP she said alot of IBS patients get it. Take paracetamol and exercise and rest. Sometimes I feel no one wants to help us.
I am having ibs flare , and am having pins & needles feeling from my bottom down back of left leg.