Does anyone with IBS suffer from a persistent pain on the lower left side, which is like a stitch? I get this pain for a while, maybe a few days, then it eases off. I have had this for years, and despite various groin scans, blood and poo tests, nothing has shown up. Very strange!
Stitch like pain in left lower side: Does anyone... - IBS Network
Stitch like pain in left lower side

I personally suffer from right sided pain but a woman I work with suffers from left sided stitch pain and she has IBS. She says it travels down into her groin.
Thanks for your reply. Yes my pain travels to the groin too. I have had groin scans over the years as they thought it might be a hernia, but I guess it's just one of the 'joys' of IBS.
I've had it occasionally, but not for periods as long as yours. When I looked it up, I got the impression that it was very common in IBS because there are a couple of bends in the colon at that point, stuff gets stuck and can cause inflammation. Less likely is diverticulitis, which occurs in a similar position, but I guess that's already been ruled out?
hello yes ive had this pain too , thankfully not too often ,for me it can be mild or sometimes almost crippleing ,hurts to walk etc , and then its gone for sometimes ages ,i always think its trapped wind ,and as i remember it was one of the first symtoms of IBS that i had ,hot water bottle might help , good luck wish you well x
hi ive had this pain for over 8 monthd. It is debilitating. I am at a dead end with all investigations snd treatment too b
Thanks for your reply. Yes it's frustrating with no real cause to the problem. I take pain killers when the pain is bad.
Yes, that's exactly where I get my pain. Sometimes just a nagging stitch like pain, as you describe, but sometimes enough to double me up. I've spent ages Googling what organs are around that area, but nothing specific. I end up like my doctors, saying it must be just my IBS.
I have had this stitch like pain on and off for years. Sometimes it's low down sometimes higher up as it is at the moment. Uncomfortable but bearable. Just be nice to know what causes it.
I get this too and it can travel round into my back and down to my legs and groin. I find it is linked to trapped wind and to being constipated (I have IBS mixed). It can be quite debilitating at time but I find gentle exercise like walking or yoga aimed at gut health can help ease thing.
I’ve had persistent pain in my left side since May, as you describe. If you’ve had an ultrasound, blood & poo tests, then the probability is that it is IBS-linked. My doctor had me try cutting out lactose for two weeks, & the pain reduced substantially during that time, & then returned in full force when I re-introduced lactose. So, I’m going back to lactose free and hope that things will improve substantially again. It won’t be lactose intolerance in everyone’s case, but the food groups that can cause these problems are listed in the fodmap diet. Maybe worth looking into if you haven’t tried that already. I’m also on a medication called mebeverine, which seems to be helping and there are also medicines and talking therapies available if you suspect your IBS has a stress linked component. Hope things get better for you!
look up massage for Houston Valve on you tube and of course, google scholarly artilces on Houston valve and tell you doc.
yes I do. Suffering at the moment 3 days into this bout. Gets easier after going to the loo but eats there. Looking at my diet and removing some veg. Onions broccoli and cauliflower done help. Back on the porridge. Missing my Aqua class today as it’s so bad
yes - like stitch left side below ribs. Sometimes also in my back or front. I am not alone here then!
I have times when I get that stitch like pain on the lower left. It feels just like stitch, you are right. It can happen in the mornings for me before a bm and while I'm having my morning hot drink. I like to walk out in the garden and sometimes across the little bridge to the field in the morning with my drink, to look around, wake up a bit, and one morning it came on so bad I was doubled up trying to get back to the kitchen. After a bm it magically goes.
It doesn't happen all the time, just occasionally.
yes I get pain n my left side. It’s where your large intestine is. Usually associated with infection for me. Have you had blood and pop tests
I'm actually experiencing that right now. Been going on for a month. And it's not the type that's relieved by passing gas or having a bowel movement.
Actually went in to the gastroenterologist about it. He was very focused on my bowel movements, which were very low on the Bristol scale, and recommended more fiber. They're looking better now, but I still have the pain.
When this happened once before for an extended period, I took some of the stuff you take before a colonoscopy. It actually seemed to work. Might try that again.
Hi There, been having a left side stitch sometime before BMs mostly and sometimes mid day. Heating pad helps but the pain (very dull in nature) will spread to my left back and even to shoulder at times. Gastro thinks it's muscular, no one wants to do a CT, they just wanna jump right to a colonoscopy. I didn't have this pain for a month and now back again. I do suffer with constipation, blood work has been fine and the Cologuard box test was negative as well. Have you gotten any new diagnosis? I'm at my wits end and so scared.