I suffer with constant constipation and I always have pain in the same area just to the lower right of my belly button. When I massage the area I can sometimes feel a gas like sensation in that area. Why is the pain always in the same place?
Pain in lower right abdomen : I suffer with... - IBS Network
Pain in lower right abdomen

I'm no expert but I also have pain bin that area, it has been tender to the touch fir as long as I can remember 😢 I've been told you have a small valve in this are which can become inflamed...I don't know if this is the case of your pain or mine but I find very gentle massage in the evening can help .
Think you might have some sort of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It sounds like IBC. This has constipation as feature. Wikipedia has a classification heading and full details about IBS. It can be stress triggered but may be due to food sensitivities. Change in your diet including less bread and wheat eating apples and non fibrous fruit and vegetables might help. Some chemists have minor ailments where you can ask about it or your doctor or nurse may help. Drinking more water or hot drinks can help it. Flavoured fibre gel mixed with water might help as the water collects in the colon forming a normal stool. I get prescriptions from surgery .
It may be the area where you have a slight inflammation, and the stool can't pass easily. Has your GP or GI team done a Calprotectin test of any investigation on the intestines to ascertain any problems?
Your ileocecal valve is right there, it is a one way between small and large intestines. But the cause of your valve getting stuck could be many. Diabetic?
I just did a quick Google (ugh, I know, I try not to but wanted to help). It said, of abdominal pain and gas that it can collect on the left or the right, implying that, perhaps, it's an individual thing? In any case, if you are getting a lot of unexplained pain, I would get checked and ask if you can be referred for an x-ray or an echo or at least, try to get to see a specialist. I've had a colonoscopy and would not wish that on you but I insisted on one (okay, it can be a little easier to have these sort of discussions where I live as it's a different healthcare system BUT they do not allow you to have examinations or tests just because you want them, there does have to be good cause) to rule out the worst possible cause of constipation. The prep etc is the worst and, if you have it, have heavy sedation (I was knocked out but most people aren''t knocked out - I'm just a weakling and the stuff had that effect on me!). The specialist will be able to see what you colon and small intestine (if he decides to go up that far) looks like.
I get pain in lower right side, had colonoscopy and have diverticula in this area and it can become inflamed or infected
I had a lot of pain, change in b.m. Consultant thought possible crohns but thankfully none found, was treated with antibiotics.