A 'flare up' or something new?: Hello, I've... - IBS Network

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A 'flare up' or something new?

Clogger profile image
5 Replies


I've had self diagnosed daily IBD-D symptoms for many years now. Occasionally I get short griping pains relieved by going to the loo but generally it's painless diarrhoea.

For the last week I have had nearly constant all over abdominal pain, gripes, and pain when weeing (deep ache, not stinging like cystitis) . Had to take a week off work. GP yesterday thorough and is organising ultrasound for ovarian cancer and bloods for coeliac, cancer markers and others. Had a negative urine test yesterday. Normal bowel movements but quite often just mucus.

Family history of coeliac (brother), diverticulitis (mother diagnosed in her 40s). I was tested for coeliac about 5 years ago but GP happy to test again.

No fever, good appetite, no sickness.

Does this sound familiar as an IBS flare up? I'm off to buy Buscopan today as I can't stand it much longer.

Thanks for reading.

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Clogger profile image
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5 Replies
Luisa22 profile image

Clogger, what you describe could well be IBS. But it might be a good idea to ask the doctor for stool tests too, for inflammatory markers, blood traces etc. Your doc. sounds good. It's wise to have those tests he organised for you and hope the results are all negative

But stool tests are going to show anything that might or not warrant further investigation in the gut dept. If they're negative too, you and your doctor can rule out a whole list of inflammatory conditions, etc.

It's a shame you have suffered such a long time with the symptoms.

Clogger profile image
Clogger in reply to Luisa22

Hi Luisa, thanks for your reply. I was very happy that the GP didn't dismiss my change in bowel habits - she seemed surprised I'd had almost daily diarrhoea and many accidents for the best part of 20 years. So, I suppose, me saying that this was a definite change to my symptoms prompted her to order investigations. I was though surprised she didn't go down the route of testing my bowels for infection. Things have changed since I saw her on Friday. I have since been passing pink mucus which almost certainly looks like blood, but not every time I go. I presume it might not be sinister in itself as it is probably just because my poor bowels have been working overtime. I will leave a message on Monday with this development, just in case she wants me to provide a poo sample. Currently sat on a towel as I am not even getting a 'warning' at the moment ;).

mal444 profile image

Hi clogger.I read your post and thought i would message you regarding the diarrhea and passing just mucus. I suffer the same.

I had a colonoscopy done 2 months maybe 3 ago and was clear. Considering my symptoms i feared the worst. I pass mucus on its own either with gas or before bowel motion and in it also. No one knows why so i have to suffer this.

I also came back negative for coeliac disease but i went totally gluten dairy wheat free and its helped but not fully. It comes back it always does.

Do you have spells where you just pass jelly mucus on its own?.

Clogger profile image
Clogger in reply to mal444

Hi Mal444, I'm sorry the gluten / dairy free hasn't resolved your symptoms completely. Perhaps it's a waiting game, in that your bowels need to get back on track? Have you just stopped the gluten / diary since the biopsy? If so, it could still be early days.

Yes, I've been passing mucus on its own this week, mostly over the last couple of days. In fact, I have had many accidents when it just runs out without warning. A few have been pink coloured too. It's strange that on Friday afternoon my symptoms seemed to clear and I got stuck into clearing the gutters on the road outside, filled a bin bag with weeds and soil, did some heavy gardening, felt great, went to the GP (said I felt much better since my phone call in the morning), but later that evening was then back to square one, doubled over with cramps. At least I used the three pain free hours to tidy up the front of the house ;) .

I'll update the GP on Monday with my bloody mucus just in case she wants me to provide a stool sample. I started a new job 4 weeks ago and have just had a week off and might need another which is very unlike me. Thankfully it's in the same organisation, different building, but the same boss so she knows I'm usually very reliable.

I suspect I'll get the same results as yourself, which is positive in that it's nothing sinister, but frustrating that you can never seem to get to the bottom of it (pardon my pun).

mal444 profile image

Thanks for the reply. I have had the mucus for over 2 years but it also started to be pink and yes blood sometimes. That was the reason i got a colonoscopy and as i said dr google made me think the worst but in fact i was fine. The body is a strange thing but at least it gives you some peace of mind knowing i suffer the same

When it happens to me its without warning. It feels like i need to pass gas but when i press i know its not just gas so i goto the toilet and its explosive mucus. This goes on for 24hrs maybe 48 then resets itself for another week or 2 then bang.

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