I recently had to phone an ambulance as pain was new and unreal.
i live in the UK and its no exaggeration to say that IBS has controlled my life since getting food poisoning over 3 years ago. ive had alternating C and D but mostly I've been regular. My IBS symptoms have mostly been nausea, pain high up in my abdomen, food intolerance's and a no appetite, during my first year of IBS i lost over 7 stone in weight and became very skinny while i was trying desperately to do my own a food elimination diet. i have been to the hospital and had every test under the sun and IBS is my diagnosis. I "manage" my condition with a very strict diet.
Last week i got really bad constipation - high up in my stomach. it makes me feel really sick so i often have to take Cyclizine (an anti sickness tablet). the pain this time got so bad and kept me up all night at until i had a BM at about 9am that smelt bad like an infection, pain that followed took me to another level and i had to call for help, the ambulance took me into hospital but i didn't do another BM so they couldn't test it for anything. i was discharged by 4pm after some strong painkilelrs and giving an emergency appointment with my GP who put me on another program for CBT.
Since then ive been having smelly watery BMs and im having bad eggy burps that's making me feel sick, and through online research could i have giardia, or have contracted a bug?
The doctors in hospital and my GP looked at my history of tests and just decided it was a really bad flair up.
im just looking for your guys opinion on what i should do? dose this sound like an IBS flair up? What do you do when doctors refuse to repeat tests or give you any treatment?