I've been struggling a while now with IBS when I say a while probably about six years ever since I was 19, now I am 25. Been going to the GP on and off for years but never get referred to see a gastroenterologist, up until recently where my calprotectin levels in my stool tests have been getting higher. I have been treating my IBS with a dietician and have been eating a lot cleaner and cut out a lot of triggers, like Dairy, Gluten, Insoluble Fibre. I have noticed great results in terms of the symptoms improving but my calprotectin has risen since my last test in august 2019 where it was 64 now shot up to 134. Luckily I saw a really kind GP who did a great assessment, booked me in for another coeliac test, Fit test and referred me to have the colonoscopy done. Most likely only because of my family history as my mother suffered from UC and my uncle has his large intestine cut out also.
Has anyone got any ideas, what other than IBD can cause an increase in calprotectin? I was thinking that I still consume a lot of gluten-free biscuits, sugary things, and bread that contain vegetable oils and refined grains that could possibly cause inflammation.
Does anyone treat their Crohns or Colitis/ IBD naturally with no medications and is there a way of reducing the inflammation through diet?
Has anyone ever done the coeliac test through the GP, how much gluten do you need to consume per day. I had some bread this morning I can automatically notice the difference when I have it, makes me bloated with some pain.
Thank you guys