I was wondering if anyone has the feeling that in a flare up , they poop out more than they have eaten . Last night after evening meal , potatoes , some veg , broccoli and cauliflower with a gammon steak , I had gas pains and then one urgent visit to the loo. Let's just say ,an extensive amount was passed which became very loose towards the end . Only one visit.
On awakening this morning, stomach was again sore with gas pains , eventually got up for a bm when that was necessary and again a lot was passed. It made me wonder where does all this poo come from ?? I had also had a fairly normal poo yesterday morning . I was thirsty last night and drank a few glasses of water with diluted fruit juice .
Anyway , Meal last night was maybe not ideal for my IBS but just seems like sometimes more comes out than has gone in and I wondered if anyone else ever had the same thought.
Will 1234